
Each person has a purpose to fulfill,

كل امرئ نصب لحاجته

1. Each person has a purpose to fulfill,
And on him burdens are loaded or goals set for him.

١. كُلُّ اِمرِئٍ نَصبٌ لِحاجَتِهِ
وَعَلَيهِ يُحمَلُ أَو لَهُ نَصَبُه

2. So four types of people with an aim take a risk:
The pious are rewarded for their good deeds.

٢. فَاِربَع عَلى خُلُقٍ لَهُ خَطَرٌ
في الصالِحينَ يَفوزُ مُحتَسِبُه

3. The noble man is disgraced by his position,
While you see the lowly adorned by his manners.

٣. عِيُّ الشَريفِ يَشينُ مَنصِبَهُ
وَتَرى الوَضيعَ يَزينُهُ أَدَبُه

4. Piety's farming for the farmer
Is the honor of the hereafter, not his lineage.

٤. وَحِراثَةُ التَقوى لِمُحتَرِثٍ
كَرَمُ المَعادِ وَما لَهُ حَسَبُه

5. The Master demeaning his servants
Is a disgrace that shows in his face as a scar.

٥. وَتَنَقُّصُ المَولى مَوالِيَهُ
عارٌ يَكونُ بِوَجهِهِ نَدَبُه

6. When your relative's arm grows weak
His lineage will not benefit him.

٦. وَإِذا نَسيبُكَ غُلَّ ساعِدُهُ
وَنَأى فَلَيسَ بِنافِعٍ نَسَبُه

7. And of affliction, a crime whose author
Clings to us and to others in its branches.

٧. وَمِنَ البَلاءَ أَخٌ جِنايَتُهُ
عَلَقٌ بِنا وَلِغَيرِنا نَشَبُه

8. Take from your friend without tiring him,
For generosity exhausts the generous.

٨. خُذ مِن صَديقِكَ غَيرَ مُتعِبِهِ
إِنَّ الجَوادَ يَؤودُهُ تَعَبُه

9. And be content with necessities, not gold -
No gold remains for anyone before you.

٩. وَاِستَغنِ بِالوَجَباتِ عَن ذَهَبٍ
لَم يَبقَ قَبلَكَ لِاِمرِئٍ ذَهَبُه

10. The greedy man returns to his flatterer,
And the lion is killed by his own dog.

١٠. يَرِدُ الحَريصُ عَلى مَتالِفِهِ
وَاللَيثُ يَبعَثُ حَتفَهُ كَلَبُه