1. My heart was cured of Salma though my youth had passed
And I have shortened except some of what I remember
١. صَحا القَلبُ عَن سَلمى وَشابَ المُعَذَّرُ
وَأَقصَرتُ إِلّا بَعضَ ما أَتَذكَّرُ
2. And I did not attain her until my youth turned away
And the Hashimi who gets fooled forbade me
٢. وَما نِلتُها حَتّى تَولَّت شَبيبَتي
وَحَتّى نَهاني الهاشِمِيُّ المُغَرَّرُ
3. So if I bid farewell to Ammar erect
And my maturity guided me, the Imam who makes insight
٣. فَإِن كُنتُ قَد وَدَّعتُ عَمّارَ شاخِصاً
وَبَصَّرَني رُشدي الإِمامُ المُبَصِّرُ
4. Laughter on her, redness in her whiteness
With which the eyes are delighted and beauty is redder
٤. هِجانٌ عَلَيها حُمرَةٌ في بَياضِها
تَروقُ بِها العَينَينِ وَالحُسنُ أَحمَرُ
5. So O wars! Youth has passed and my need for them
Between the eye and the heart continues to burn
٥. فَيا حَرَبا بانَ الشَبابُ وَحاجَتي
إِلَيهِنَّ بَينَ العَينِ وَالقَلبِ تَسجُرُ
6. I say and I have shown to pleasure my vigor
Perhaps I may play and my honor guarded
٦. أَقولُ وَقَد أَبدَيتُ لِلَّهوِ صِحَّتي
أَلّا رُبَّما أَلهو وَعِرضي مُوَفَّرُ
7. Leave what has passed, speech is not about the past
But about what the counselor has guided you to
٧. فَدَع ما مَضى لَيسَ الحَديثُ بِما مَضى
وَلَكِن بِما أَهدى إِلَيكَ المُجَشِّرُ
8. Did not the African warn you from me insistently
And said "Beware of Ri'bal you are exposed"
٨. أَلَم يَنهَكَ الزِنجِيُّ عَنّي وَصِيَّةً
وَقالَ اِحذَرِ الرِئبالَ إِنَّكَ مُعوِرُ
9. And you did not stop until a death brought you
To its sister, what is the source of death?
٩. وَما زِلتَ حَتّى أَورَدَتكَ مَنِيَّةٌ
عَلى أُختِها ما بِالمَنِيَّةِ مَصدَرُ
10. And you caused to stumble who the steed to vulgarity was
Abu Hassan and the driver made the Arabs stumble
١٠. وَأَعثَرتَ مَن كانَ الجوادَ إِلى الخَنا
أَبا حَسَنٍ وَالسائِقُ العُربَ يُعثِرُ
11. Abu Hassan, you do not know what was in my madness
And in the people is one who guides and does not ponder
١١. أَبا حَسَنٍ لَم تَدرِ ما في إِهاجَتي
وَفي القَومِ مَن يَهدي وَلا يَتَفَكَّرُ
12. Do you water me with poetry until the enemies
From me took cover and I went respected
١٢. أَتَروي عَلَيّ الشِعرَ حَتّى تَخَبَّأت
كِلابُ العِدى مِنّي وَرُحتُ أُوَقَّرُ
13. So if you are insane, with me is its treatment
And if you are a jinni, your grandfather is more unsteady
١٣. فَإِن كَنتَ مَجنوناً فَعِندي سَعوطُهُ
وَإِن كُنتَ جِنِّيّاً فَجَدُّكَ أَعثَرُ
14. You brought war upon yourself, then you feared it
So you began hiding sometimes then appearing
١٤. جَنَيتَ عَلَيكَ الحَربَ ثُمَّ خَشيتَها
فَأَصبَحتَ تَخفى تارَةً ثُمَّ تَظهَرُ
15. Like a meat thief so its smoke gave her away
And the simmering ashes disgraced her
١٥. كَسارِقَةٍ لَحماً فَدَلَّ قُتارُهُ
عَلَيها وَأَخزاها الشِواءُ المُهَبَّرُ
16. And the people of goodness did not diminish, but its people did
And you missed it while evil amongst people is more
١٦. وَما قَلَّ نَفسُ الخَيرِ بَل قَلَّ أَهلُهُ
وَأَخطَأتَهُ وَالشَرُّ في الناسِ أَكثَرُ
17. Abu Hassan, why are you the son of a non-Arab
So you fell into my days and your pride is hollow
١٧. أَبا حَسَنٍ هَلّا وَأَنتَ اِبنُ أَعجَمٍ
فَخَرتَ بِأَيّامي فَرابَكَ مَفخَرُ
18. So no patience, I am collared to the son of Hurrah
Tomorrow so recognize me and the firmness when I lose composure
١٨. فَلا صَبرَ إِنّي مُقرَنٌ بِاِبنِ حُرَّةٍ
غَداً فَاِعرِفاني وَالرَدى حينَ أَضجَرُ
19. He called the layers of evil so you two were equated with it
As if you both are threshing between you the chaff
١٩. دَعا طَبَقَي شَرٍّ فَشُبِّهتُما بِهِ
كَأَنَّكُما أَيرانِ بَينَكُما حَرُ
20. You will know that my shooting does not wear out
And that the son of the African is behind you burning
٢٠. سَتَعلَمُ أَنّي لا تَبِلُّ رَمِيَّتي
وَأَنَّ اِبنَ زِنجِيٍّ وَراءَكَ مُجمَرُ
21. Abu Hassan your mother has defamed you with her name
And stingy in her vulva you are more destitute
٢١. أبا حَسَنٍ شانَتكَ أُمُّكَ بِاِسمِها
وَمُعسِرَةٌ في بَظرِها أَنتَ أَعسَرُ