
Why does the ignorant man insult my honor with his own dishonor?

أيشتم عرضي الباهلي بعرضه

1. Why does the ignorant man insult my honor with his own dishonor?
By your life, after this insult I am the one insulted!

١. أَيَشتُمُ عِرضي الباهِليُّ بِعِرضِهِ
لَعَمرُكَ إِنّي بَعدَها لَمُشَتَّمُ

2. Is it not a sign of the Day of Judgment that an honorable man is confronted
By a despicable man, utterly defamed?

٢. أَلَيسَ مِنَ أَشراطِ القِيامَةِ أَن يُرى
كَريمٌ يُلاحيهُ لَئيمٌ مُذَمَّمُ