
After Salma's departure an abandoned encampment, with the tents' flaps blowing,

عفا بعد سلمى حاجر فذناب

1. After Salma's departure an abandoned encampment, with the tents' flaps blowing,
The pools of my courtyard they would visit, their gates now locked.

١. عَفا بَعدَ سَلمى حاجِرٌ فَذُنابُ
فَأَحمادُ حَوضى نُؤيُهُنَّ يَبابُ

2. A land now empty of all its dwellers,
With no life but the wild beasts and some tents.

٢. دِيارٌ خَلَت مِن آبِداتٍ وَلَم يَكُن
بِها الوَحشُ إِلّا جامِلٌ وَقِبابُ

3. As if the relics of their time here embroidered on the encampment's sands
Were archives washed away by my courtyard's rains.

٣. كَأَنَّ بَقايا عَهدِهِنَّ بِحاجِرٍ
فَبُرقَةِ حَوضى قَد دَرَسنَ كِتابُ

4. And the day the caravan traveled on after its sojourn,
I stood by the manor, now fallen in ruins.

٤. وَيَومَ صَفَحتُ الرَكبَ بَعدَ لَجاجِهِ
وَقَفتُ بِها قَصراً وَهُنَّ خَرابُ

5. I went away, leaving the dwellings to the twisting sands,
Never once, if they vanished, would I go after them.

٥. ذَهَبتُ وَخَلَّيتُ المَنازِلَ بِاللِوى
وَما بِيَ يَوماً إِن ذَهَبنَ ذَهابُ

6. A woman seeking the love of Salma asked insistently
Until with age, all wooing was done.

٦. وَقائِلَةٍ طالَبتَ سَلمى حَزَوَّراً
إِلى أَن خَلَت سِنٌّ وَزالَ طِلابُ

7. She pours herself out when she draws near, and is poured out when distant,
As if, my dear, you never knew your suitor grows old.

٧. تَصَبُّ إِذا شَطَّت وَتَصبو إِذا دَنَت
كَأَنَّكَ لَم تَعلَم لِداتِكَ شابوا

8. Are you asking about Sulayma? Always has she
Declined my love, at times roughly, at times gently.

٨. فَهَل أَنتَ سالٍ عَن سُلَيمى وَلَم يَزَل
حِجاكَ يُغالُ تارَةً وَسِقابُ

9. I said to her, "Do not make me like those men
Who fawn before every marry glance and slender waist."

٩. فَقُلتُ لَها لا تَجعَليني كَمَن بِهِ
إِذا ما دَنا عُرضِيَّةٌ وَخِلابُ

10. "Sulayma is shy when we meet,
And to her I am an unwanted suitor."

١٠. وَإِنَّ سُلَيمى في اللِقاءِ لَحُرَّةٌ
وَإِنّي بَغِيٍّ عِندَها لَمُصابُ

11. She gave me free rein the day she said to her sister,
"No ardent lovers' passion, if in it are no sighs or quarreling or reproach-"

١١. أَطالَت عِناني يَومَ قالَت لِأُختِها
وَما حُبُّ مَشغوفَينِ بُثَّ هَواهُما

12. Never have my eyes seen anyone turn away like Sa'd,
Or bear what your brother is blamed for.

١٢. إِذا لَم يَكُن فيهِ نَثاً وَعِتابُ
وَلَم تَرَ عَيني مِثلَ سُعدى مُباعِداً

13. When she hinted at hope for us, I pursued it-
For hopes once stirred, necks are humbled.

١٣. وَلا مِثلَ ما يَلقى أَخوكَ يُعابُ
بَدا طَمَعٌ مِنها لَنا فَتَبِعتُهُ

١٤. وَلِلطَّمَعِ البادي تَذِلُّ رِقابُ