
A trusted brother to whom I gave allegiance,

وأخ ذي ثقة آخيته

1. A trusted brother to whom I gave allegiance,
of glorious lineage, of refined manners,

١. وَأَخٍ ذي ثِقَةٍ آخَيتُهُ
ماجِدِ الأَعراقِ مَأمونِ الأَدَب

2. May Allah purify his morals,
for they are like refined gold.

٢. أَمحَضَ اللَهُ لَهُ أَخلاقَهُ
فَهيَ كَالإِبريزِ مِن سِرِّ الذَهَب

3. Kindness has honored me, so that
every palm is indebted to me.

٣. عَزَّني المَعروفُ حَتّى عَلِقَت
كُلُّ كَفٍّ لِيَ مِنهُ بِسَبَب

4. He gives to me and I exceed in his generosity,
like rain clouds pouring down rain.

٤. فَهوَ يُعطيني وَأُعطى فَضلَهُ
سَبَلَ الغَيثِ تَدَلّى فَسَكَب

5. When he sees my face approaching,
his eyes laugh without pretense.

٥. فَإِذا أَبصَرَ وَجهي مُقبِلاً
ضَحِكَت عَيناهُ مِن غَيرِ عَجَب

6. When I speak to him even a little,
he is thrilled with joy.

٦. وَإِذا كَلَّمتُهُ واحِدَةً
هَيَّجَت مِنهُ عُلالاتِ الطَرَب

7. If I am absent from him for an hour,
it is as if absence without yearning.

٧. وَإِذا ما غِبتُ عَنهُ ساعَةً
أَنَّ لِلغَيبَةِ مِن غَيرِ وَصَب

8. He is, thanks to God, enough for me,
and honor above base acquisition,

٨. فَهوَ لي وَالحَمدُ لِلَّهِ غِنىً
وَعَفافٌ مِن دَنِيِّ المُكتَسَب

9. Unlike trades that have dissipated my gatherings
and clothed me in the garb of humiliation and toil,

٩. مِن تِجاراتٍ أَشابَت مَفرِقي
وَكَسَتني ثَوبَ ذُلٍّ وَنَصَب

10. And kings - if I had dealings with them,
they quickly exposed my faith to peril.

١٠. وَمُلوكٍ إِن تَعَرَّضتُ لَهُم
عَرَّضوا ديني وَشيكاً لِلعَطَب