1. On my right and on my left, love kindled its fires,
Behind me and before me, passion - how can I escape?
١. عَن يَميني وَعَن يَساري وَقُدّا
مي وَخَلفي الهَوى فَكَيفَ أَفِرُّ
2. If I slip from my steadfastness because of a thing
That chanced upon me beneath my heel, what harm in that?
٢. أَنا إِن زُلتُ عَن مَقامي لِأَمرٍ
رابَني تَحتَ أَخمَصي ما يَضُرُّ
3. Like one who lifts his feet from the mud of the plain
Though around him spreads the land, a sea without shore.
٣. كَمُزيلٍ رِجلَيهِ عَن بَلَلِ القَط
رِ وَما حَولَهُ مِنَ الأَرضِ بَحرُ
4. Lightning flashed for me until when I said "Be generous!"
It turned away from a gloom that knows no morning.
٤. بَرَقَت لي حَتّى إِذا قُلتُ جادَت
أَقلَعَت عَن جَهامَةٍ لا تَدُرُّ
5. O lightning that flashes and avails naught,
We know you! Seek one you can beguile!
٥. أَيُّها البارِقُ الَّذي لَيسَ يُجدي
قَد عَرَفناكَ فَاِلتَمِس مَن تَغُرُّ