1. O relic of the beloved at Al-Samad,
By Allah, tell me how you've been after me.
١. يا طَلَلَ الحَيِّ بِذاتِ الصَمدِ
بِاللَهِ حَدِّث كَيفَ كُنتَ بَعدي
2. Did you become desolate, from Da'ad and Naw'?
After a soft, fertile time?
٢. أَوحَشتَ مِن دَعدٍ وَنُؤيِ دَعدِ
بَعدَ زَمانٍ ناعِمٍ وَمَردِ
3. An era for us, quenching for it from the pact,
When we are brothers in what we fulfill.
٣. عَهداً لَنا سَقياً لَهُ مِن عَهدِ
إِذ نَحنُ أَخيافٌ بِما نُؤَدّي
4. It reneges on a promise, and denies with a vow,
So we are exhausted by fervor in exhaustion.
٤. يُخلِفنَ وَعداً وَنَفي بِوَعدِ
فَنَحنُ مِن جَهدِ الهَوى في جَهدِ
5. We frolic to the light of Al-Khuzam's thigh,
In a blossoming youth from Saba'a and Ja'd.
٥. نَلهو إِلى نَورِ الخُزامى الثَعدِ
في زاهِرٍ مِن سَبِطٍ وَجَعدِ
6. He hasn't stopped swaggering youthfully,
Swaggering in the dewy water that flows gently,
٦. ما زالَ مِن حَرجِ الصَبا في رَندِ
يَختالُ في ماءِ النَدى المُنَدّي
7. Until he was clad like the eyes of ice,
In the meadows of Maghna and Wahib bin Find.
٧. حَتّى اِكتَسى مِثلَ عُيونِ البُردِ
رَوضاً بِمَغنى واهِبِ بنِ فِندِ
8. Time gifted it to him and he did not donate,
The outskirts of glimmering honor that donates.
٨. أَهدى لَهُ الدَهرُ وَلَم يَستَهدِ
أَفوافَ أَنوارِ الحَداءِ المُجدي
9. It meets the morn with its bowing basil,
I changed from that to endless weeping.
٩. يَلقى الضُحى رَيحانُهُ بِسَجدِ
بُدِّلتُ مِن ذاكَ بُكىً لا يُجدي
10. The requests of childhood signaled firmly
A matter summoned me and weeping is no use,
١٠. آذَنَ طِلباتُ الصِبى بِصَدِّ
طالَبَني أَمرٌ وَلَيسَ يُجدي
11. So they weakened, they won't heal me with coolness,
And they saw me in severe childhood,
١١. فَهَنَّ لا يَشفينَني بِبَردِ
وَقَد أَراني في الصِبى الأَجَدِّ
12. Like the badness among the people of badness.
This and the march of Al-Azd notified me,
١٢. كَالبَدِّ فيهِنَّ لِأَهلِ البَدِّ
هَذا وَبَلّاني مَسيرُ الأَزدِ
13. A caravan that appears like a necklace's string,
Sweet conversation, excellent companion,
١٣. سِربٌ تَراءى كَنِظامِ العَقدِ
حُلوُ الحَديثِ حَسَنُ التَصَدّي
14. Woe to the daughter of Al-Ashad!
She stood appearing when she saw me alone,
١٤. واهاً لِأَسماءَ اِبنَةِ الأَشَدِّ
قامَت تَراءى إِذ رَأَتني وَحدي
15. Like the sun between the igniting embers,
A sultan whitening over blackness,
١٥. كَالشَمسِ بَينَ الزِبرِجِ المُنقَدِّ
سُلطانَ مُبيَضِّ عَلى مُسوَدِّ
16. Frowning with a cheek, and avoiding with a cheek,
Then she leaned like the panting breath,
١٦. ضَنَّت بِخَدٍّ وَجَلَت عَن خَدِّ
ثُمَّ اِنثَنَت كَالنَفسِ المُرتَدِّ
17. And I went back dripping with passion's sweat.
What a wonder is the helpless pleader!
١٧. وَرُحتُ مِن عِرقِ الهَوى أُصَدّي
يا عَجَباً لِلعاجِزِ المُسَدّي
18. I missed my fortune and did not attain.
What harmed the people of misery is weakness of struggle,
١٨. حُدِدتُ عَن حَظّي وَلَم أَجَدِّ
ما ضَرَّ أَهلَ النوكِ ضَعفُ الكَدِّ
19. And who strived with diligence attained good fortune.
Say to Az-Zubair who asks about my son:
١٩. وافَقَ حَظّاً مَن سَعى بِجَدِّ
قُل لِلزُبَيرِ السائِلي عَن وُلدي
20. The freeman bequeaths while the stick is for the slave.
The oath-taker has no equal retribution,
٢٠. الحُرُّ يوصى وَالعَصا لِلعَبدِ
وَلَيسَ لِلمُحلِفِ مِثلُ الرَدِّ
21. So be content with half and be moderate in purpose.
Half is enough for you without transgression,
٢١. فَاِرضَ بِنَصفٍ وَأَزِح في القَصدِ
النَصفُ يَكفيكَ مِنَ التَعَدّي
22. And a friend like the perpetual flow.
I watch for the likes of him like the day of roses,
٢٢. وَصاحِبٍ كَالدُمَّلِ المُمِدِّ
أَرقُبُ مِنهُ مِثلَ يَومِ الوِردِ
23. Carrying it in a parchment scroll from my skin,
With patience and asceticism for what leads
٢٣. حَمَلَتهُ في رُقعَةٍ مِن جِلدي
صَبراً وَتَنزيهاً لِما يُؤَدّي
24. Until the unlike was embraced except the loss of loss.
And he doesn't know what my inclination was in my asceticism,
٢٤. حَتّى اِنطَوى غَيرَ فَقيدِ الفَقدِ
وَما دَرى ما رَغبَتي مِن زُهدي
25. And the silence of composure, the passionate lover.
A land you see whose ruins are like monkeys,
٢٥. وَطامِسِ السَمتِ جُموحِ الوِردِ
خالٍ لِأَصواتِ الصدى المُصَدّي
26. Swaying in the meadow of dawn that stretches,
For the sand grouse in their cooing that echoes,
٢٦. أَرضاً تَرى حِرباءَها كَالقِردِ
يَميدُ في رَأدِ الضُحى المُمتَدِّ
27. The gazelles hide wonder and show,
With shining coats like the shining white,
٢٧. لِلقورِ في رَقراقِها تَرَدّي
زَوراءَ تُخفي عَجَباً وَتُبدي
28. Gleaming ahead of me and behind me,
As if the tips of their thickets bow down.
٢٨. مِن لامِعاتٍ كَالسَعالي البَدِّ
تَلمَعُ قُدّامي وَطوراً بَعدي
29. No! But they bow down sometimes and run.
They slumber in their flourishing place of slumber,
٢٩. كَأَنَّ قُصوى أُكمِها تُسَدّي
لا بَل تُصَلّي تارَةً وَتَردي
30. With a storm from their kin that rages,
I startled them with Al-'Ayham the audacious,
٣٠. تَرقَدُّ في رَيعانِها المُرقَدِّ
وَعاصِفٍ مِن آلِها المُشتَدِّ
31. Who meets morn with a scowling frown,
And a watching, beholding, tender glance,
٣١. صَدَعتُها بِالعَيهَمِ العَلَندِ
يَلقى الضُحى بِمَنسِمِ مُكِدِّ
32. And an owl-like attitude like solid stone.
I spurred him so he outpaced freely without resistance,
٣٢. وَنَظَرٍ راعٍ وَهادٍ نَهدِ
وَهامَةٍ مَلمومَةٍ كَالصَلدِ
33. He continued sometimes trotting and sometimes galloping
In the belly of a camel, and on a solid back,
٣٣. جَشَمتُهُ أَفضى وَشيحَ الجِلدِ
طَيَّ السَخاوِيِّ بِغَيرِ نِدِّ
34. Smooth that cannot be guided,
Until he ended like an old palm trunk,
٣٤. ما زالَ يَشدو تارَةً وَيَخدي
في بَطنِ عَيثٍ وَظَهرٍ صَلدِ
35. So he cracked under a glorious rider,
Returning water and wealth like water of torrents,
٣٥. أَملَسُ لا يُهدى بِهِ مُهَدِّ
حَتّى اِنتَهى مِثلَ صَليفِ القِدِّ
36. And a vanishing one who hid for the town's hidden,
A banner that meets with long adversity,
٣٦. فَاِنصَدَعَت عَن راكِبٍ مُجِدِّ
وَرّادِ أَمواهٍ كَماءِ السِخدِ
37. Sobbing its call that is mended,
In it the twigs of acacia are kindled,
٣٧. وَغارِبٍ أَخفى لِخافي البَلدِ
رَيّانَ يَلقى مَعَ طولِ الشَدِّ
38. It was not fed by abundance or number,
Except by water of presses, hand presses,
٣٨. مُكَعبَراً نَداءَه المُثَدّي
فيهِ لِصيرانِ الفَلا تَغَدّي
39. With changing crowns in its advance.
Crowned with yellow among the roses,
٣٩. لَم يُغذَ بِالفَيضِ وَلا بِالعِدِّ
إِلّا بِماءِ المُعصِراتِ الهُدِّ
40. And with pure morning glory that glows,
And the carnation infused with the fawn's color,
٤٠. مُختَلِفَ التيجانِ في التَنَدّي
كُلِّلَ بِالأَصفَرِ بَينَ الوَردِ
41. Bundled on its chest like a golden dinar,
Of red blossoms that do not blacken,
٤١. وَبِالبَنَفسِ المُشرِقِ الرِخوَدِّ
وَالجَونِ مَشبوباً بِلَونِ الفَهدِ
42. That goes forth like the dawn's going in the advance,
Bursting forth like the eyes of locusts,
٤٢. موفٍ عَلى حَوذانِهِ كَالنَقدِ
مِن زاهِرٍ أَحمَرَ لَم يَسوَدِّ
43. The sun wanders in it, the one with flames,
When its flies rouse with defiance.
٤٣. يَغدو كَغادي الشَرقِ في التَغَدّي
مُنبَلِقاً مِثلَ عُيونِ الجُردِ
44. It rivaled the starlings like the prepared,
I bid it good morning in the shade of a lofty cliff,
٤٤. تَحارُ فيهِ الشَمسُ ذاتُ الوَقدِ
إِذا حَدا ذُبابُهُ المُحَدّي
45. Early before the hyenas' going,
With a barren, very barren she-camel or a young one,
٤٥. عارَضَهُ المُكّاءُ كَالمُستَعدي
صَبَّحتُهُ في ظِلِّ مُزنٍ سَمدِ
46. Seeking the distinction of the plump hyenas,
But do you see the gleam of the singular beloved,
٤٦. غُدَيَّةً قَبلَ غُدُوِّ السُبدِ
بِعاقِرٍ جَدّاءَ أَو أَجَدِّ
47. Faithful from the eye with the star of fortune?
A wind sings with it and a wind makes it tender,
٤٧. يَطلُبُ شَأوَ اليَعمُلاتِ الجُدِّ
بَل هَل تَرى لَمعَ الحُبَيِّ الفَردِ
48. As if the wailing of grieving women,
Were in a courtyard gleaming with the Furand,
٤٨. وافي مِنَ العَينِ بِنَجمِ السَعدِ
تَحدو بِهِ ريحٌ وَريحٌ تَهدي
49. It topped the valley and highest Najd,
The ostrich struts in it like the heavy necked.
٤٩. كَأَنَّ أَنواحُ النِساءِ الجُدِّ
في عَرصَةٍ يَلمَعنَ بِالفِرَندِ
50. When its teeth shine, the undiverted splits,
It lights up the left side after the slumber,
٥٠. قَد طَبَّقَ الغَورَ وَأَعلى نَجدِ
يَستَنُّ فيهِ كَالنَعامِ الرُبدِ
51. Carnation pink like mountains of Kurd,
Bursting clouds, defeat of thunder,
٥١. إِذا سَناهُ اِنشَقَّ غَيرَ المُكدي
أَضاءَ لِلشامَةِ بَعدَ الرَقدِ
52. I said to it when it dug in the pact
And submerged the valley and others.
٥٢. جونَ الرُبى مِثلَ جِبالِ الكُردِ
مُنبَعِقِ القَصفِ هَزيمِ الرَعدِ
53. With paths like the gentle, pure honey:
Surrender and you are greeted Abu Al-Milaad!
٥٣. قُلتُ لَهُ حينَ حَفا في العَهدِ
وَغَرَّقَ الوَهدَ وَغَيرَ الوَهدِ
54. You are the harvest of the lote-tree and death of the enemy,
Crowned by forefathers, tremendous backup,
٥٤. بِسَبَلٍ مِثلِ زُلالِ الشَهدِ
اِسلَم وَحُيِّيتَ أَبا المِلَدِّ
55. Key to the door of sealed youth,
What a blessed shrine of the confessor and pilgrim!
٥٥. أَنتَ جَنى العودِ وَمَوتُ الرِئدِ
مُتَوَّجُ الآباءِ ضَخمُ الرِفدِ
56. And you are for the soldiers and others.
Shared sustenance and patron of the clubs,
٥٦. مِفتاحُ بابِ الحَدَثِ المُنسَدِّ
نِعمَ مَزارُ المُعتَفي وَالوَفدِ
57. You precede whoever rivals you before ferocity,
With forbearance, kindness, and skillful cleverness.
٥٧. وَأَنتَ لِلجُندِ وَغَيرِ الجُندِ
مُشتَرَكُ النَيلِ وَرِيُّ الزَندِ
58. You haven't ceased being well-known to the chaste,
The delusion that clads the robes of glory,
٥٨. تَسبِقُ مَن جاراكَ قَبلَ الشَدِّ
بِالحِلمِ وَالجودِ وَضَربِ الكَردِ
59. I had none but love for you,
Then praise like the scent of roses,
٥٩. ما زِلتَ مَعروفاً مَعَ الأَرَدِّ
أَغَرَّ لَبّاساً ثِيابَ المَجدِ
60. I wove it in prose with expertise,
So wear my composition without tyranny,
٦٠. ما كانَ مِنّي لَكَ غَيرُ الوُدِّ
ثُمَّ ثَناءٌ مِثلُ ريحِ الوَردِ
61. By Allah your days are in Preparation,
Then Qahtan's sons, then slaves,
٦١. نَسَجتُهُ في المُحكَماتِ النَدِّ
فَاِلبَس طِرازي غَيرَ مُستَبَدِّ
62. A day at Dhi Subay'a during the war,
And in it you entrusted the land of India,
٦٢. لِلَّهِ أَيّامُكَ في مَعَدِّ
ثُمَّ بَني قَحطانَ ثُمَّ عَبدِ
63. With approximators, distanciators, and shields,
When the youth is tested with them, they do not fail,
٦٣. يَوماً بِذي صُبيَةَ عِندَ الحَدِّ
وَعِندَهُ اِستَودَعتَ أَرضَ الهِندِ
64. They unite matters and affairs you lead,
And the wise son when he came to you confused,
٦٤. بِالمُقرِباتِ المُبعِداتِ الجُردِ
إِذا الفَتى أَكدى بِها لَم تُكدِ
65. In the inverted successive count,
He went with a limit and attacked with a limit,
٦٥. تُلحِمُ أَمراً وَأُموراً تُسدي
وَاِبنُ حَكيمٍ إِذ أَتاكَ يَردي
66. Inciting rejection like pelting pebbles,
Inciting Al-Lawadhie's thickets of bending,
٦٦. في العَدَدِ المُعلَنكِسِ الأَعَدِّ
راحَ بِحَدٍّ وَغَدا بِحَدِّ
67. As if he is from the deep forests,
Among the resting, extended, guided army,
٦٧. يَحفِزُ دَفّاعاً كَطَردِ الصَردِ
حَفزَ اللاواذِيِّ عُبابَ المَدِّ
68. Deaf who does not hear the voice of thunder,
You defeated him with your preparedness,
٦٨. كَأَنَّهُ مِن غُلَواءِ الجُردِ
في العَسكَرِ المُسلَنطِحِ المُقوَدِّ
69. After sincere stabs and skinning,
So he collapsed like a leaning mountain,
٦٩. أَصَمُّ لا يَسمَعُ صَوتَ الرَعدِ
حَبَيتَهُ بِحَتفِهِ المُعَدِّ
70. And it cracked open from a most vicious lion,
And from tigers around it and lions,
٧٠. بَعدَ طِعانٍ صادِقٍ وَجَلدِ
فَاِنهَدَّ مِثلَ الجَبَلِ المُنهَدِّ
71. Overthrown like the overthrown beetles,
Away! And do not inherit from them from afar!
٧١. وَاِنفَرَجَت عَن أَسَدٍ أَلَدِّ
وَعَن نُمورٍ حَولَهُ وَأُسدِ
72. Each person is hostage to what he leads to,
And many a crowned noble honored,
٧٢. صَرعى كَصَرعى الخَندَريسِ المُردِ
بُعداً وَلا تَرثِ لَهُم مِن بُعدِ
73. Like the family of Kisra and the family of Burd,
Fell short, deviating from the path of righteousness,
٧٣. كُلَّ اِمرِئٍ رَهنٌ بِما يُؤَدّي
وَرُبَّ ذي تاجٍ كَريمِ المَجدِ
74. So you detached him from his money and children.
O daughter of the most eloquent of Bani Urnud!
٧٤. كَآلِ كِسرى وَكَآلِ بُردِ
أَنكَبَ جافٍ عَن طَريقِ الرُشدِ
75. Tell Abd Al-Qais if you do not find
Do not rejoice in the most severe adversity,
٧٥. فَصَلتَهُ عَن مالِهِ وَالوُلدِ
يا بِنتَ أَفصى مِن بَني العُرُندِ
76. So wait for the aftermath after the affliction.
It is equal, one who invades and one in the grave,
٧٦. قولي لِعَبدِ القَيسِ إِن لَم تُجدِ
لا تَفرَحي بِالجَلَبِ الأَشَدِّ
77. Time has come to you with a matter, so comply,
With the aftermath of the troublemaker, then the glorious,
٧٧. فَاِنتَظِري عُقبَةَ بَعدَ الوَخدِ
سِيّانَ مَن يَغزو وَمَن في اللَحدِ
78. He waves his sharpest sword,
Among a horde like the advancing darkness,
٧٨. قَد جاءَكِ الدَهرُ بِأَمرٍ إِدِّ
بِعُقبَةَ المِشغَبِ ثُمَّ المُجدي
79. Splitting the back of the solid, barren land,
With the standards in the incised sarad,
٧٩. يَهُزُّ أَعلى سَيفِهِ الأَحَدِّ
في جَحفَلٍ كَالعارِضِ المُسوَدِّ
80. And all the roaring squadrons of slaughter,
In his armor, and death above the armor,
٨٠. يَشُقُّ مَتنَ الصَحصَحانِ الجَردِ
بِالعَلَمَينِ في الحَديدِ السَردِ
٨١. وَكُلِّ جَيّاشِ العَشايا نَهدِ
في لِبدِهِ وَالمَوتُ فَوقَ اللِبدِ