
The barefoot ones circle around his doors

يطوف العفاة بأبوابه

1. The barefoot ones circle around his doors
Like the circling of pilgrims around the Sacred House

١. يَطوفُ العُفاةُ بِأَبوابِهِ
كَطَوفِ الحَجيجِ بِبَيتِ الحَرَم

2. Talal refused to speak out of sadness
Why should he care if he were to answer gloomily?

٢. أَبى طَلَلٌ بِالجِزعِ أَن يَتَكَلَّما
وَماذا عَلَيهِ لَو أَجابَ مُتَيَّما

3. And on the branch are traces that remain
Games that cannot be known except in imagination

٣. وَبِالفِرعِ آثارٌ بَقينَ وَباللِوى
مَلاعِبُ لا يُعرَفنَ إِلاّ تَوَهُّما

4. When we get angry with a hurtful anger
We tear away the veil of the sun or rain blood

٤. إِذا ما غَضِبنا غَضبَةً مُضَرِيَّةً
هَتَكنا حِجابَ الشَمسِ أَو تُمطِرَ الدَما

5. Whenever we honor a chief of a tribe
A progeny of a pulpit who prayed for us and bid farewell

٥. إِذا ما أَعَرنا سَيِّداً مِن قَبيلَةٍ
ذُرى مِنبَرٍ صَلّى عَلَينا وَسَلَّما

6. We are a people whose steeds still
Accompany a king or seize war booty

٦. وَإِنّا لَقَومٌ ما تَزالُ جِيادُنا
تُساوِرُ مَلكاً أَو تُناهِبُ مَغنَما

7. We created a sky above us with its stars
Swords and spears that make the glance close painfully

٧. خَلَقنا سَماءً فَوقَنا بِنُجومِها
سُيوفاً وَنَقعاً يَقبِضُ الطَرفَ أَقنَما

8. And the prison of a day whose hardship the war dragged out
Its shadow drew near and reddened until it took on heat

٨. وَمَحبِسِ يَومٍ جَرَّتِ الحَربُ ضَنكَهُ
دَنا ظِلُّهُ وَاِحمَرَّ حَتّى تَحَمَّما

9. I surpassed the progeny of youth and my worries advanced
Until I could find no one more advanced

٩. تَفَوَّقتُ أَخلافَ الصِبا وَتَقَدَّمَت
هُمومِيَ حَتّى لَم أَجِد مُتَقَدَّما

10. So this is the time when the soul felt shame and trembled
For my audacity, and I returned to what was more upright

١٠. فَهَذا أَوانَ اِستَحيَتِ النَفسُ وَاِرعَوى
لِداتي وَراجَعتُ الَّذي كانَ أَقوَما

11. And a day like the oven of slave girls they kindled
And in it they lit the embers until it reddened

١١. وَيَومٍ كَتَنّورِ الإِماءِ سَجَرنَهُ
وَأَوقَدنَ فيهِ الجَزلَ حَتّى تَضَرَّما

12. I flung myself into the tumult of its poisons
And with the molten iron until its vein burst blood

١٢. رَمَيتُ بِنَفسي في أَجيجِ سَمومِهِ
وَبِالعيسِ حَتّى بَضَّ مِنخَرُها دَما