1. Her phantom has recalled you, and with what it recalls,
And love for singing girls is an affection that kills.
١. أَعادَكَ طَيفُها وَبِما يَعودُ
وَحُبُّ الغانِياتِ جَوىً يَؤودُ
2. I recalled the parting ones in the lands,
So my eyes have a singular, amazing path.
٢. ذَكَرتُ القاطِعاتِ عَلى بِلادٍ
فَلِلعَينَينِ مِن سَبَلٍ فَريدُ
3. On a morn, his cheek pleases a noble palm,
And an eye in the veil that has for it tent walls.
٣. غَداةَ يَروقُهُ كَفَلٌ نَبيلٌ
وَعَينٌ في النِقابِ لَها ضَيودُ
4. And the day of weeping, the weeping of the tribe of Ziyad,
News arrived while their eyes were witnesses.
٤. وَيَومَ الحِنوِ حِنوِ بَني زِيادٍ
قَفا نَبَأٌ وَأَعيُنُهُم شُهودُ
5. Some of us greet others openly,
As if we barely survive and do not plot.
٥. يُحَيّي بَعضُنا بَعضاً جِهاراً
كَأَنّا لا نُكادُ وَلا نَكيدُ
6. And of my mind, even if they loathe me, a multitude
Who in the morning were lively or almost stretched out dead.
٦. وَمِن بالي وَإِن رَغِموا كَعابٌ
غَدَت في الخَزِّ أَو كادَت تَميدُ
7. She who reveals her beauty with her cheeks,
When an ardent look travels to her, it is renewed.
٧. مُشَهَّرَةُ الجَمالِ بِعارِضَيها
إِذا سَفَرَت لَها نَظَرٌ جَديدُ
8. Of the lovely women, she did not openly commit indecency
Toward a neighbor, nor did she seek to return.
٨. مِنَ الخَفِراتِ لَم تَطلُع بِفُحشٍ
عَلى جارٍ وَلا بَكَرَت تَرودُ
9. The effect of worshippers of the past has vanished,
And grief remains for what the vein has recorded.
٩. عَفا أَثَرٌ لِعَبدَةَ كانَ عَفّاً
وَأَبقى الحُزنُ ما ضَرَبَ الوَريدُ
10. Al-Walid has begun to blame her,
And which time has doubled you, O Al-Walid?
١٠. وَقَد طَفِقَ الوَليدُ يَلومُ فيها
وَأَيَّ الدَهرِ ساعَفَكَ الوَليدُ
11. So wait - I do not approve of some of my blame -
You raved from passion, and I am the chief.
١١. فَمَهلاً لا أَبا لَكَ بَعضَ لَومي
ضَجِجتَ مِنَ الهَوى وَأَنا العَميدُ
12. The heart has left for that one some love
And a request that no one who desires approves.
١٢. لَقَد تَرَكَ الفُؤادُ لِتِلكَ وُدّاً
وَسُؤلاً لا يَشيدُ بِهِ مُشيدُ
13. Nights we would meet at the basin of my abode,
With charm that onlookers would envy.
١٣. لَيالِيَ نَلتَقي بِحِمادِ حَوضى
عَلى لَطَفٍ يُطالِعُهُ الحَسودُ
14. So our life therein was severed,
And does life in this world have eternity?
١٤. فَأَصبَحَ عَيشُنا فيها تَوَلّى
وَهَل لِلعَيشِ في الدُنيا خُلودُ
15. And when she was brought close for the prime of youth,
The camel litter of the living collapsed.
١٥. وَلَمّا قُرِّبَت لِبُكورِ ثَنيٍ
جِمالُ الحَيِّ فَاِنقَعَرَ العَمودُ
16. Ubaydah persisted, asking you for more of her love,
After the utmost endeavor was exhausted.
١٦. تَصَدَّت تَستَزيدُكَ في هَواها
عُبَيدَةُ بَعدَما جَهِدَ المَزيدُ
17. So calm, O my liver, from the pleasing musicality -
To it, even the easiest thing is difficult.
١٧. فَيا كَبِدا مِنَ الطَرَبِ المُعَنّى
إِلَيها إِنَّ أَهوَنَهُ شَديدُ
18. I have lost love from a firm tradition,
So evil are the flowers that the flowers accompany.
١٨. فَقَدتُ الحُبَّ مِن شَرعٍ لِصادٍ
فَبِئسَ الوِردُ يَألَفُهُ الوَرودُ
19. I saw time divide every intimacy,
And no one remains for its solitude but the unique one.
١٩. رَأَيتُ الدَهرَ يَشعَبُ كُلَّ إِلفٍ
وَلا يَبقى لِوَحدَتِهِ الوَحيدُ
20. What you possessed is soon gone, even if you are calm,
And the house of a neighbor is a far sought desire.
٢٠. قَريبٌ ما مَلَكتَ وَإِن تَراخى
وَبَيتُ الجارِ مَطلَبُهُ بَعيدُ
21. By your grandfather, O son of Qaza'ah, you have attained wealth,
Beware, the vile are to them ancestry.
٢١. بِجَدِّكَ يا اِبنَ قَزعَةَ نِلتَ مالاً
أَلا إنّ اللِئامَ لَهُم جُدودُ
22. And if you were given for your effort a starving one,
And your hands did not obtain what you seek,
٢٢. وَلَو تُعطى بِسَعيِكَ مُتَّ جوعاً
وَلَم تَظفَر يَداكَ بِما تُريدُ
23. Is it from fear of increased gifts
That you have remained stingy with those who increase?
٢٣. أَمِن خَوفِ الزِيادَةِ في الهَدايا
أَقَمتَ دَجاجَةً فيمَن يَزيدُ
24. I have clothed you in a garment of what I was generous with,
Cloaks that their fur coat does not part with.
٢٤. كَسَوتُكَ حُلَّةً مِمّا أُسَدّي
بُروداً لا يُفارِقُها بُرودُ
25. Clothes that do not get worn down by the nights,
And do not wear out even if the skins do so.
٢٥. مَلابِسَ لا تَرِثُّ عَلى اللَيالي
وَلا تَبلى وَإِن بَلِيَت جُلودُ
26. I sat weaving them while the night was dark,
Embroidered, vanishing but not vanishing.
٢٦. جَلَستُ أَحوكُها وَاللَيلُ داجٍ
مُحَبَّرَةً تُبيدُ وَلا تَبيدُ
27. Your sons will inherit them, the sons of their sons,
When they perish while their material is new.
٢٧. يُوَرِّثُها بَنوكَ بَني بَنيهِم
إِذا هَلِكوا وَمَنشَرُها جَديدُ
28. Thus time wears out everything,
And poetry about time does not perish.
٢٨. كَذاكَ الدَهرُ يُبلي كُلَّ شَيءٍ
وَلا يَفنى عَلى الدَهرِ القَصيدُ
29. Is there one with understanding of a drink for a departing one,
Who attains with his generosity what does not give?
٢٩. فَهَل مِن عارِفٍ شُرباً لِصادٍ
يَنالُ بِجودِهِ ما لا تَجودُ
30. I have poured upon the son of Qaza'ah from my torment
Harm that coldness does not soothe.
٣٠. صَبَبتُ عَلى اِبنِ قَزعَةَ مِن عَذابي
أَذاةً لا يُسَكِّنُها البَرودُ
31. Upon the weak he is a lion when he pounces
And his threat keeps him awake at night.
٣١. عَلى الضُعَفاءِ لَيثٌ حينَ يَسطو
وَتوعِدُهُ فَيُسهِرُهُ الوَعيدُ
32. Our lord is harsh on the servant girls -
On a neck in chains, so his dirham is fetters.
٣٢. مولَينا عَلى الأُمّاتِ جَلدٌ
عَلى وَجَلٍ فَدِرهَمُهُ قَيودُ
33. He imagines stinginess an obligation upon him
So he freezes like what iron has frozen.
٣٣. يَخالُ البُخلَ مُفتَرَضاً عَلَيهِ
فَيَجمَدُ مِثلَ ما جَمَدَ الحَديدُ
34. Thus his cowardice hatched that I cannot suffice,
But soon the melody will reach him.
٣٤. فَأَفرَخَ رَوعُهُ لا أَجتَديهِ
وَلَكِن سَوفَ يَبلُغُهُ النَشيدُ
35. He has a face that hides from intimates
And a palm that delegations do not hope for.
٣٥. لَهُ وَجهٌ يَخِفُّ عَلى المَوالي
وَكَفٌّ لا يُؤَمِّلُها الوُفودُ
36. He undertakes with the little to the lowness
And sitting keeps him from glory.
٣٦. يَقومُ بِهِ القَليلُ إِلى المَخازي
وَيَخزِلُهُ عَنِ المَجدِ القُعودُ
37. Ignorant of the eye from seeking lofty things,
And in evil deeds a rebel devil.
٣٧. غَبِيُّ العَينِ عَن طَلَبِ المَعالي
وَفي السَوآتِ شَيطانٌ مَريدُ
38. Abu Yahya, why will you be tomorrow
You have grown old and in you generosity is blocked.
٣٨. أَبا يَحيى عَلامَ تَكونُ وَغداً
كَبِرتَ وَفيكَ عَن كَرَمٍ صُدودُ
39. So if you are lacking in every good,
Why for you in our fellowship any increase?
٣٩. فَإِن تَكُ ناقِصاً مِن كُلِّ خَيرٍ
فَما لَكَ في مَساءَتِنا تَزيدُ
40. The generous will shun you, so be vile,
For you to the ignoble are a loving companion.
٤٠. سَتَهجُرُكَ الكِرامُ فَبِن ذَميماً
فَإِنَّكَ لِلِّئامِ أَخٌ وَدودُ