1. O light of my eyes, my eyes have been afflicted with pouring
On the day you left me for no sin
١. نورَ عَيني أَصَبتِ عَيني بِسَكبِ
يَومَ فارَقتِني عَلى غَيرِ ذَنبِ
2. How could you forget the covenants and promises
And what you told me and told my friends
٢. كَيفَ لَم تَذكُري المَواثيقَ وَالعَه
دَ وَما قُلتِ لي وَقُلتِ لِصَحبي
3. I did not give up hope of seeing you again
Except my patience ran out and death took hold of my heart
٣. ما تَصَبَّرتُ عَن لِقائِكِ إِلّا
قَلَّ صَبري وَباشَرَ المَوتُ قَلبي
4. I wish I had died before loving you, O delight of my eye
Or lived without loving you
٤. لَيتَني مِتُّ قَبلَ حُبِّكِ يا قُر
رَةَ عَيني أَو عِشتُ في غَيرِ حُبِّ
5. Nothing is more painful than the soul’s separation
So my affliction for the soul is enough
٥. لَيسَ شَيءٌ أَجَلَّ مِن فُرقَةِ النَف
سِ فَحَسبي فُجِعتُ بِالنَفسِ حَسبي
6. How can I live when we will not be as we were
To God I complain of the hardship of my distress
٦. كَيفَ عَيشي وَما نَعودُ كَما كن
نا إِلى اللَهِ أَشتَكي جَهدَ كَربي
7. People have given up on healing souls altogether
While you are my care and my Lord
٧. فَرَغَ الناسُ مِن مُعالَجَةِ النا
سِ جَميعاً وَأَنتِ هَمّي وَرَبّي