1. O ignorant slave who threatens me
Will you flash lightning at me once your belly is full and thunder?
١. يا عَبدَ باهِلَةَ الَّذي يَتَوَعَّدُ
أَعَلَيَّ تُبرِقُ إِذ شَبِعتَ وَتُرعِدُ
2. O ignorant slave, you were tested by a serpent
So you abandoned obeying us and went on to threaten
٢. يا عَبدَ باهِلَةَ اِبتُليتَ بِحَيَّةٍ
فَتَرَكتَ طاعَتَنا وَرُحتَ تُهَدِّدُ
3. You insulted your Lord among the clan while standing
Just to make yourself present, if only you wouldn't exist
٣. وَشَتَمتَ رَبَّكَ في العَشيرَةِ قائِماً
لِتَكونَ مَوجوداً وَلَيتَكَ توجُدُ
4. That's how an evil slave insults his Lord
Foolishly, but do the slaves get answered?
٤. وَكَذاكَ عَبدُ السوءِ يَشتُمُ رَبَّهُ
سَفَهاً وَلَكِن هَل تُجابُ الأَعبُدُ
5. Sit down, for you are foolish and stubborn
Your wickedness will only lead you to ruin
٥. اِقعُد فَإِنَّكَ باهِلِيٌّ واغِلٌ
يَجزيكَ سَوأَتَكَ الضِياعُ الرُوَّدُ
6. And if you get drunk, take the rope of a brave one
And settle down, for you are a talker not guided
٦. وَإِذا سَكِرتَ فَخُذ بِأَيرِ مُساعِفٍ
وَاِسكُن فَإِنَّكَ ناطِقٌ لا تُرشَدُ
7. My gold adorned palms flow
With generosity, while my fire is lit with dry wood
٧. تَجري مِنَ الذَهَبِ المُصَنَّمِ راحَتي
كَرَماً وَناري بِاليَفاعِ تَوَقَّدُ
8. And if you live long enough, you will recognize a poem
For which you must bow in prayer to it and prostrate
٨. وَلَئِن عَمِرتَ لَتَعرِفَنَّ قَصيدَةً
تَجِبُ الصَلاةُ لَها عَلَيكَ فَتَسجُدُ
9. And you will remain thunderstruck by the cooing of a dove
Yet if called upon for an evil you do not shudder
٩. وَتَظَلُّ تُرعَدُ مِن هَديلِ حَمامَةٍ
وَإِذا دُعيتَ لِسَوأَةٍ لا تُرعَدُ
10. And you filled your garment if you saw in your dream
An army fully equipped with polished swords
١٠. وَمَلَأتَ ثَوبَكَ إِن رَأَيتَ كَتيبَةً
في النَومِ أَلَّلَها الحَديدُ الموجَدُ
11. You frowned until you did not pray a single bow
And forgot what Prophet Muhammad said
١١. وَمَجِنتَ حَتّى ما تُصَلّي رَكعَةً
وَنَسيتَ ما قالَ النَبِيُّ مُحَمَّدُ
12. And you reckoned me like your father who does not reproach injustice
So be patient for your reckoning that is not praised
١٢. وَحَسِبتَني كَأَبيكَ لا يَنكي العِدى
فَاِصبِر لِحِسبَتِكَ الَّتي لا تُحمَدُ
13. Your Master keeps watch over you more than Rabia and Amir
He guides your palms while standing, never slumbering
١٣. مَولاكَ أَرقَبُ مِن رَبيعَةِ عامِرٍ
أَهدى لِكَفِّكَ قائِماً لا يَرقُدُ
14. So I left the uprooting of your CHANNEL to a man
Whose youth was adorned by grace and beauty
١٤. فَتَرَكتُ عُقرَ قَناتِكُم عِندَ اِمرِىءٍ
جَمَحَ الشَبابُ بِهِ الأَنيقُ الأَغيَدُ
15. That's how your father always preferred dishonor
And kept lurking for fallen seeds
١٥. وَكَذاكَ كانَ أَبوكَ يُؤثَرُ بِالهُنى
وَيَظَلُّ في لَقطِ النَوى يَتَرَدَّدُ
16. So if you sit upon the tavern and envy me
Surely the generous one is not envied when he flows
١٦. فَلَئِن قَعَدتَ عَلى الخَنا وَحَسَدتَني
إِنَّ الكَريمَ إِذا جَرى لَمُحَسَّدُ
17. O ignorant slave who stuck to the tavern
And wasted the uprooting of his channel, you will not be fortunate
١٧. يا عَبدَ باهِلَةَ الَّذي لَزَمَ الخَنا
وَأَضاعَ عُقرَ قَناتِهِ لا تَسعَدُ
18. Had you not deferred to the one who misguided you with his rope
You would have felt remorse beyond cooling
١٨. لَولا دَلَفتَ لِمَن دَهاكَ بِأَيرِهِ
فَحَسَرتَ عَنكَ حَزازَةً لا تَبرُدُ
19. If you were from the lion of the clan, you wouldn't have slept
Until the polished swords mix with him
١٩. لَو كُنتَ مِن أَسدِ العَشيرَةِ لَم تَنَم
حَتّى يُخالِطَهُ الحُسامُ الأَربَدُ
20. You accustomed yourself to being squeezed, so release it
Every man is hostage to what he accustoms himself to
٢٠. عَوَّدتَ نَفسَكَ أَن تُضامَ فَخَلِّها
كُلُّ اِمرِىءٍ رَهنٌ بِما يَتَعَوَّدُ
21. Your deficient lineage refused you, so it reached him
And clothed you in its humiliation, your sitting duck father
٢١. وَأَبى لَكَ الحَسَبُ اللَئيمُ فَنالَهُ
وَكَساكَ ذِلَّتَهُ أَبوكَ القُعدُدُ
22. You cannot withstand a knight from Amir
Who hastens punishment while you are a shackled slave
٢٢. لا تَستَطيعُ مُرَفَّلاً مِن عامِرٍ
عَجِلَ العِقابَ وَأَنتَ عَبدٌ أَقفَدُ
23. And you feared the tyranny of a mighty Amirite
Before whose door delegations and envoys stand
٢٣. وَخَشيتَ سَطوَةَ عامِرِيٍّ فاتِكٍ
تَقِفُ الوُفودُ بِبابِهِ وَالوُفَّدُ
24. And you built with fleabane and lupine
A house upon which an unending pantry sits
٢٤. وَبَنَيتَ بِالبَعرِ المَحَلَّ وَبِالنَوى
بَيتاً عَلَيهِ خَزايَةٌ لا تَنفَدُ
25. And you sought through patchwork manners our esteem
So you will surely return while your mother's belly rumbles
٢٥. وَطَلَبتَ بِالخَلَقِ المُرَقَّعِ شَأوَنا
فَلَتَرجِعَنَّ وَبَظرُ أُمِّكَ يُرعَدُ
26. Gently, our loyalists, prepare our campaign
And when we rage, rage fully then scatter about
٢٦. مَهلاً مَوالينا أَقيموا خَرجَنا
وَإِذا غَضِبنا غَضبَةً فَتَبَدَّدوا
27. The servants of kings when we sit back in ease
Rise up, and if we shudder from fright they sit
٢٧. خَدَمُ المُلوكِ إِذا قَعَدنا في الحُبى
قاموا وَإِن نَفزَع لِرَوعٍ يَقعُدوا
28. Be for your Master a connected hand
And leave corruption to flow through the corrupt
٢٨. كونوا لِمَولاكُم يَداً وَصَلَت يَداً
وَدَعوا الفَسادَ يَعيثُ فيهِ المُفسِدُ
29. And emulate a righteous father and uncle
Devoutly obedient to us - and excellent is the devout
٢٩. وَتَشَبَّهوا بِأَبٍ وَعَمٍّ صالِحٍ
مُتَعَبِّدَينِ لَنا وَنِعمَ العُبَّدُ