
O my night that I did not sleep longing and wakefulness

يا ليلتي لم أنم شوقا وتسهادا

1. O my night that I did not sleep longing and wakefulness
Until I saw the whiteness of dawn return

١. يا لَيلَتي لَم أَنَم شَوقاً وَتَسهادا
حَتّى رَأَيتُ بَياضَ الصُبحِ قَد عادا

2. I exclaimed when I saw the dawn bursting forth
Animating the succession of youth or nearly so

٢. كَبَّرتُ لَمّا رَأَيتُ الصُبحَ مُنبَلِجاً
يَحدو تَوالِيَ جَونٍ بانَ أَو كادا

3. And winds from the lofty abodes provoke me
And she does not know the causes of love and its fervor

٣. وَرائِحٍ مِن بَني العَلّاتِ يَعذُلُني
وَما دَرى بِدَواعي الحُبِّ وَثّادا

4. I concealed from her some of what I suffer and said to her
I cannot control the causes of love submissively

٤. كاتَمتُهُ بَعضَ ما أَلقى وَقُلتُ لَهُ
لا أَستَطيعُ دَواعي الحُبِّ مُنقادا

5. Days that my love envies and envies me
What I cannot attain, women who were envious

٥. أَيّامَ يَحسُدُها وُدّي وَيَحسُدُني
ما لا أَنالُ نِساءٌ كُنَّ حُسّادا

6. Then that passed except the memory of our playground
In the house when we avoided the eyes and observations

٦. ثُمَّ اِنقَضى ذاكَ إِلّا ذِكرَ مَلعَبِنا
بِالبَيتِ إِذ نَتَّقي عَيناً وَأَرصادا

7. Nothing of longing remained for me from her entirety and her neighbor
Except concerns that the night alternates troops

٧. لَم يُبقِ لي الشَوقُ مِن جُملٍ وَجارَتِها
إِلّا هُموماً تَؤوبُ اللَيلَ أَجنادا

8. She had made a promise to me but broke it to me
And I was neither stingy nor did I break an appointment

٨. قَد كانَ لي عِندَها وَعدٌ فَأَخلَفَني
وَما بَخِلتُ وَلا أَخلَفتُ ميعادا

9. Oh woe to her, a union whose appointments were
Like the night, dreams deceived the slumbering

٩. يا وَيحَها خُلَّةً كانَت مَواعِدُها
كَاللَيلِ غَرَّت بِهِ الأَحلامُ رُقّادا

10. I wished her spirit until I wearied
And love healed me, nearly and from afar

١٠. مَنَّيتُها النَفسَ حَتّى لامَني
وَشَفَّني الحُبُّ تَقريباً وَإِبعادا

11. O you who seek frivolity, passing by and accosting
Come, you have fallen into love if you were a frequenter

١١. يا طالِبَ اللَهوِ مُجتازاً وَمُعتَرِضاً
أَقبِل أَصَبتَ الهَوى إِن كُنتَ مُرتادا

12. If piercing from the front and from behind pleases you
Then come to Ibn Saymin, the one with two heads, well-aimed

١٢. إِن سَرَّكَ الطَعنُ مِن قُبلٍ وَمِن دُبُرٍ
فَأتِ اِبنَ سيمينَ ذا الرَأسَينِ حَمّادا

13. Whoever gives him a dirham will marry his lover
While the copulator in the lord of the house's abode is a frequenter

١٣. مَن يُعطِهِ دِرهَماً يَنكِح خَليلَتَهُ
وَنائِكٌ في اِستِ رَبِّ البَيتِ مُرتادا

14. Indeed, Ibn Nihya is of his father's character
He does not deprive a guest of a wedding feast if he has provision

١٤. إِنَّ اِبنَ نِهيا عَلى أَخلاقِ والِدِهِ
لا يَحرِمُ الضَيفَ مِن عِرسٍ لَهُ زادا

15. He hunted Bakr and Ya'four for his women
After the dual, yes, far from what he hunted!

١٥. قَد صادَ بَكراً وَيَعفوراً لِنِسوَتِهِ
بَعدَ المُثَنّى أَلا بُعداً لِما صادا

16. I know Hammad and his betrayal
When meeting, if he devised or plotted

١٦. إِنّي لَأَعرِفُ حَمّاداً وَمَكسَرَهُ
عِندَ اللِقاءِ إِذا ما كيدَ أَو كادا

17. Difficult when you are soft when you believe him
Of the clan of Nihya, if you shake him, deviant

١٧. صَعباً إِذا كُنتَ لَيناً حينَ تَصدُقُهُ
مِن آلِ نِهيا إِذا زَلزَلتَهُ حادا

18. No glory except for Hammad Abu Umar
Who spends the night wakeful and traveling by night, watchful

١٨. لا غَروَ إِلّا لِحَمّادٍ أَبي عُمَرٍ
يَظَلُّ فَهداً وَيسري اللَيلَ فَهّادا

19. He turned like a stud tied by his tether
Piercing has manifested itself to him, breast and repetition

١٩. أَدَرَّ كَالزِقِّ مَربوطاً بِرُمَّتِهِ
قَد بَدَّهُ الطَعنُ إِصداراً وإيرادا

20. The gazelles hasten to him, every rising sun
The wildcats race to catch the water and repel

٢٠. تَهوي المَخازي إِلَيهِ كُلَّ شارِقَةٍ
رَكضُ القَطا يَبتَدِرنَ الماءَ وُرّادا

21. Prosperity is good for Hammad Abu Umar
When his dawn comes he does not fear an observer

٢١. طابَ النَعيمُ لِحَمّادٍ أَبي عُمَرٍ
إِذا أَتى فَجرُهُ لَم يَخشَ مِرصادا

22. He meets relatives prancing on a dappled horse
And does not see lowliness except shook or bent

٢٢. يَلقى القَرائِبَ مُختالاً بِهَربَذَةٍ
وَلا يَرى الخِشفَ إِلّا اِهتَزَّ أَو مادا

23. O knight of the cultivated chestnut who runs it
I run so you are the son of a wetnurse who was a pimp

٢٣. يا فارِسَ الأَمرَدِ العادي لِيَركُضَهُ
أُركُض فَأَنتَ ابنُ ظِئرٍ كانَ قَوّادا

24. Indeed swallows are eaten and digested
So its bird is not seen, meaning if it wanted

٢٤. إِنَّ السَوانِيَ مَأكولٌ وَمُهتَضَمٌ
فَما يُرى طَيرُهُ يَعني إِذا رادا

25. How many disgraceful moles you have, O Hammad
Inheriting a healer father and ancestors

٢٥. كَم خُلَّةٍ فيكَ يا حَمّادُ فاضِحَةٍ
وَرِثتَها والِداً عِلجاً وَأَجدادا

26. Strange women do not frequent their in-laws
So stab with your spear a cuckold and one born out of wedlock

٢٦. إِنَّ الغَرائِبَ لا تولي مَحارِمَها
فَاِطعَن بِرُمحِكَ مَحلوباً وَوَلّادا