
Preparations prolonged have wearied me,

تجهز طال في النصب الثواء

1. Preparations prolonged have wearied me,
And waiting for what's hard weighs heavily on me.

١. تَجَهَّز طالَ في النَصَبِ الثَواءُ
وَمُنتَظَرُ الثَقيلِ عَلَيَّ داءُ

2. Of being a libertine I long ago grew tired,
For being a libertine is but foolery.

٢. تَرَكتُ رِياضَةَ النَوكى قَديماً
فَإِنَّ رِياضَةَ النَوكى عَياءُ

3. When ignoble men accuse me of moral corruption,
I refuse, though refusing may sometimes prove vain.

٣. إِذا ما سامَني الخُلَطاءُ خَسفاً
أَبَيتُ وَرُبَّما نَفَعَ الإِباءُ

4. My overlooking of loose women is a weakness,
With them the path of evil lies open and bare.

٤. وَإِغضائي عَلى البَزلاءِ وَهنٌ
وَوَجهُ سَبيلِها رَحبٌ فَضاءُ

5. I fulfilled one wish but formed another,
For desires there is an answering and an end.

٥. قَضَيتُ لُبانَةً وَنَسَأتُ أُخرى
وَلِلحاجاتِ وَردٌ وَاِنقِضاءُ

6. For my father Ayyub shall I ever hide
What, when the veil lifts, will be laid all too bare.

٦. عَلى عَينَي أَبي أَيّوبَ مِنّي
غِطاءٌ سَوفَ يَنكَشِفُ الغِطاءُ

7. When I came to him as a guest he was cold to me,
Yet a guest deserves courtesy, regard and care.

٧. جَفاني إِذ نَزَلتُ عَلَيهِ ضَيفاً
وَلِلضَيفِ الكَرامَةُ وَالحِباءُ

8. Tomorrow the presumptuous rabble will learn
That I'm fierce when enraged, and suffer no slight.

٨. غَداً يَتَعَلَّمُ الفَجفاجُ أَنّي
أَسودُ إِذا غَضِبتُ وَلا أُساءُ

9. I came to Salma, though others disputed it,
And she was protected by covenant and oath.

٩. نَأَت سَلمى وَشَطَّ بِها التَنائي
وَقامَت دونَها حَكَمٌ وَحاءُ

10. And they kept me from the sweet ecstasy of love,
Though I cried out, had my call but been heard.

١٠. وَأَقعَدَني عَنِ الغُرِّ الغَواني
وَقَد نادَيتُ لَو سُمِعَ النِداءُ

11. My allegiance is to Him I see as my Lord,
A pact not forgotten though time take its toll.

١١. وَصِيَّةُ مَن أَراهُ عَلَيَّ رَبّاً
وَعَهدٌ لا يَنامُ بِهِ الوَفاءُ

12. I've shunned intimates, to me they're now as
The water of the eye - when gone, the loss is the same.

١٢. هَجَرتُ الآنِساتِ وَهُنَّ عِندي
كَماءِ العَينِ فَقدُهُما سَواءُ

13. Yet God was my protection from all they exposed me to,
I seek refuge in Him when tribulations appear.

١٣. وَقَد عَرَّضنَ لي وَاللَهُ دوني
أَعوذُ بِهِ إِذا عَرَضَ البَلاءُ

14. Were it not for the Righteous Leader among us,
For them I'd have poured all that my vessel could hold.

١٤. وَلَولا القائِمُ المَهديُّ فينا
حَلَبتُ لَهُنَّ ما وَسِعَ الإِناءُ

15. And one day in Judayyid I broke a promise,
For the word of a serving girl permanence has not.

١٥. وَيَوماً بِالجُدَيدِ وَفَيتُ عَهداً
وَلَيسَ لِعَهدِ جارِيَةٍ بَقاءُ

16. So say to the singers, enough, I have settled,
The time for my love songs has passed and is gone.

١٦. فَقُل لِلغانِياتِ يَقِرنَ إِنّي
وَقَرتُ وَحانَ مِن غَزَلي اِنتِهاءُ

17. The Lord of Creation has barred me from them,
Patience triumphed and torment is no more.

١٧. نَهاني مالِكُ الأَملاكِ عَنها
فَثابَ الحِلمُ وَاِنقَطَعَ العَناءُ

18. How many a lover for a girl of some tribe
When with her, only purity between them is found.

١٨. وَكَم مِن هاجِرٍ لِفَتاةِ قَومٍ
وَبَينَهُما إِذا اِلتَقَيا صَفاءُ

19. And the bloom of youth in maidens is aversion
To looseness; on them let veils be gracefully drawn.

١٩. وَغَضّات الشَبابِ مِنَ العَذارى
عَلَيهنَّ السُموطُ لَها إِباءُ

20. When enemies bark, my devotion to them grows,
As I was raised, but for dogs only censure.

٢٠. إِذا نَبَحَ العِدى فَلَهُنَّ وُدّي
وَتَربِيتي وَلِلكَلبِ العُواءُ

21. With them I toyed when an elegant rake,
To whom they incline though I only bring harm.

٢١. لَهَوتُ بِهِنَّ إِذ مَلَقي أَنيقٌ
يَصِرنَ لَهُ وَإِذ نَسَمي شِفاءُ

22. Their love enveloped my heart entirely,
As the sky envelops the earth spread below.

٢٢. وَأَطبَقَ حُبُّهُنَّ عَلى فُؤادي
كَما اِنطَبَقَت عَلى الأَرضِ السَماءُ

23. But when I was called, wisdom I attained,
And the painful confusion cleared away from me.

٢٣. فَلَمّا أَن دُعيتُ أَصَبتُ رُشدِي
وَأَسفَرَ عَنِّيَ الداءُ العَياءُ

24. To the coquettish girls, God's peace from me,
Whatever our Caliph, the Leader, may do.

٢٤. عَلى الغَزَلى سَلامُ اللَهِ مِنّي
وَإِن صَنَعَ الخَليفَةُ ما يَشاءُ

25. For now I repent of fair slave girls,
Of perfume and wine once sweet poisons to me.

٢٥. فَهَذا حينَ تُبتُ مِنَ الجَواري
وَمِن راحٍ بِهِ مِسكٌ وَماءُ

26. On many a day wine shakes my mind,
As singing and beautiful women entice me.

٢٦. وَإِن أَكُ قَد صَحَوتُ فَرُبَّ يَومٍ
يَهُزُّ الكَأسُ رَأسي وَالغِناءُ

27. I've not abandoned all vice, but
My fervor carried me away from restraint.

٢٧. أَروحُ عَلى المَعازِفِ أَربَخيّا
وَتَسقيني بِريقَتِها النِساءُ

28. It's time for Muslimah bin Qays to say
No cure exists for desire's sovereign sway.

٢٨. وَما فارَقتُ مِن سَرَفٍ وَلَكِن
طَغى طَرَبي وَمالَ بِيَ الفَتاءُ

29. Refrain from saucy girls, keep your distance,
For the impudent and insolent, seemly behavior's the way.

٢٩. أَوانَ يَقولُ مُسلِمَةُ ابنُ قَيسٍ
وَلَيسَ لِسَيِّدِ النَوكى دَواءُ

30. No solace from Ibn Qays will meet me,
When consolation for what's past is beyond hope.

٣٠. رُوَيدَكَ عَن قِصافَ عَلَيكَ عَينٌ
وَلِلمُتَكَلِّفِ الصَلِفِ العَفاءُ