1. Do not praise Abu Harb for his lineage,
The lion and the boar may prove their strength in the forest.
١. لا تَحمَدَنَّ أَبا حَربٍ بِأُسرَتِهِ
قَد يَثبُتُ اللَيثُ وَالخِنزيرُ في الغابِ
2. Muhammad wanders lost in his abundant madness,
The key to a worthless people given to reckonings.
٢. مُحَمَّدٌ تائِهٌ مِن فَرطِ جِنَّتِهِ
مِفتاحُ غَيٍّ لِقَومٍ أَهلِ أَحسابِ
3. His cowardice once made me see him as a lion
Lined up with teeth bared over a carcass.
٣. قَد كانَ سَبَّني مِن جُبنِهِ أَسَداً
عَلى المُهَلَّبِ صَفّاياً بِأَنيابِ
4. Woe to the idiot who made him governor,
The day he took lightly my brothers and friends.
٤. أُفٍّ لَهُ والِياً ما كانَ أَحمَقَهُ
يَومَ اِستَخَفَّ بِإِخواني وَأَصحابي
5. His leadership showed no wisdom but his betrayal,
A sheath for a deviant's sword from the tribe of Munjab.
٥. لا نَبوَتي رُشدَهُ إِلّا تَخَوُّنَهُ
غِمداً لِأَيرٍ غَوِيٍّ بِاِستِ مُنجابِ
6. He loves the wives of Munjab and honors them,
Never moving past their door to another's.
٦. يُحِبُّ أَزواجَ مُنجابٍ وَيُكرِمُهُم
وَلا يُجاوِزُهُم باباً إِلى بابِ
7. As if he is afflicted with his friend's illness,
And desires some of what comes from that flood.
٧. كَأَنَّهُ ضَمِنٌ مِن داءِ صاحِبِهِ
وَمُشتَهٍ بَعضَ ما يَأتي مِنَ العابِ
8. Say plainly to the despicable Abu Harb,
The words of a Westerner cursing are strange to me.
٨. قُل لِلضَغيطِ أَبي حَربٍ مُجاهَرَةً
قَولَ اِمرِئٍ مُغرِبٍ بِالذَمِّ إِغرابي
9. If you have turned from Mahdi then we,
Why should we hide from the abyss?
٩. إِن كُنتَ جانَبتَ مَهدِياً فَإِنَّ لَنا
فَما بالُنا نَخفى عَلى النابِ
10. The husband of Munjab drives us and we blame him,
No day of our reproach matters to him.
١٠. يَسعى بِنا زَوجُ مُنجابٍ فَنُعتِبُهُ
وَلا يَهِمُّ لَنا يَوماً بِإِعتابِ
11. The expert on the evils of Munjab said,
When he saw my steadfast secretive ways:
١١. قالَ الخَبيرُ بِمُنجابٍ وَسَوأَتِهِ
لَمّا رَأى دَأَبي سِرّاً وَإِدآبي
12. "If you request a bonus from Munjab,
Request with your penis, do not request with your elbow.
١٢. إِذا طَلَبتَ إِلى المُنجابِ نافِلَةً
فَاِطلُب بِأَيرِكَ لا تَطلُب بِكَرّابِ
13. And one who says in ecstasy that his only need
Is to meet burning desire and fatigue."
١٣. وَقائِلٍ في الغَواني جُلُّ حاجَتِهِ
يَلقى مِن شَوقٍ وَأَتعابِ
14. Oh, if only the testicles and penis of Munjab
Were free, so we could enjoy the drink of the free.
١٤. يا لَيتَ جُردانَ مُنجابٍ وَخُصيَتَهُ
كانا حِراً فَاِشتَفَينا مِن حِرٍ رابِ
15. A thick whiskered man whom the devout circle around,
When he frowns at the wanderer and complainer.
١٥. فَخمٌ غَليظٌ يُطيفُ المُنعِظونَ بِهِ
إِذا تَجَمَّرَ مِن حادٍ وَمُنتابِ
16. How excellent is the intercession of Munjab,
When a non-diseased, unharmed man is washed.
١٦. نِعمَ الشَفيعُ اِستُ مُنجابٍ إِذا غُسِلَت
لِمُنعِظٍ غَيرِ مُعتَلٍّ وَلا آبِ