1. Rise, let us depart, though the gallant youth is turned to stone,
Yet he remains a captive of events and spears.
١. قومي اِصبَحِينا فَما صيغُ الفَتى حَجَراً
لَكِن رَهينَةَ أَجداثٍ وَأَرماسِ
2. Rise, let us depart, for time is ever-changing,
It destroyed the stout Lukaym and the tribe of Hirmas.
٢. قومي اِصبَحينا فَإِنَّ الدَهرَ ذو غِيَرٍ
أَفنى لُقَيماً وَأَفنى آلَ هُرماسِ
3. Today there is care, though tomorrow brings news,
For time gives now bounty, and now despair.
٣. اليَومَ هَمٌّ وَيَبدو في غَدٍ خَبَرٌ
وَالدَهرُ ما بَينَ إِنعامٍ وَإِبآسِ
4. Drink then, keeping pace with the turns of time,
For grief accompanies not the cup's loud clink.
٤. فَاِشرَب عَلى حَدَثانِ الدَهرِ مُرتَفِقاً
لا يَصحَبُ الهَمُّ قَرعَ السِنِّ بِالكاسِ