1. Is there a messenger to inform
All the Arabs about me
١. هَل مِن رَسولٍ مُخبِرٍ
عَنّي جَميعَ العَرَبِ
2. Those who are alive among them
And those buried in the dust
٢. مَن كانَ حَيّاً مِنهُمُ
وَمَن ثَوى في التُرُبِ
3. That I am of noble lineage
Supreme among men of rank
٣. بِأَنَّني ذو حَسَبٍ
عالٍ عَلى ذي الحَسَبِ
4. My grandfather whose name
Emperors of Persia and Assyria revered
٤. جَدّي الَّذي أَسمو بِهِ
كِسرى وَساسانُ أَبي
5. And my uncle the Caesar when
I recount my ancestry
٥. وَقَيصَرٌ خالي إِذا
عَدَدتُ يَوماً نَسَبي
6. How many a crowned ancestor do I have
Wearing his crown with pride
٦. كَم لي وَكَم لي مِن أَبٍ
بِتاجِهِ مُعتَصِبِ
7. He sits majestic in his court
Knelt before in reverence
٧. أَشوَسَ في مَجلِسِهِ
يُجثى لَهُ بِالرُكَبِ
8. He arrives at his court in the morning
In robes of glowing brocade
٨. يَغدو إِلى مَجلِسِهِ
في الجَوهَرِ المُلتَهِبِ
9. The most privileged in finery
And eminent behind the veil
٩. مُستَفضِلٌ في فَنَكٍ
وَقائِمٌ في الحُجُبِ
10. The peacocks hurry to him
With platters of gold
١٠. يَسعى الهَبانيقُ لَهُ
بِآنِياتِ الذَهَبِ
11. None had quenched their thirst with a drink
In jeweled goblets like he had
١١. لَم يُسقَ أَقطابَ سِقىً
يَشرَبُها في العُلَبِ
12. Nor had the camel of my forefather
Ever suffered mange
١٢. وَلا حَدا قَطُّ أَبي
خَلفَ بَعيرٍ جَرِبِ
13. Nor did he visit Hanzala
To pierce it with an arrow
١٣. وَلا أَتى حَنظَلَةً
يَثقُبُها مِن سَغَبِ
14. Nor did he go to Orfotah
To strike it with a staff
١٤. وَلا أَتى عُرفُطَةً
يَخبِطُها بِالخَشَبِ
15. We never roasted a rat
Twitching its tail
١٥. وَلا شَوَينا وَرَلاً
مُنَضنِضاً بِالذَنَبِ
16. Nor did I cringe or
Eat the meat of lizards
١٦. وَلا تَقَصَّعتُ وَلا
أَكَلتُ ضَبَّ الحِزَبِ
17. Nor did my father ever
Stoke a fire for warmth
١٧. وَلا اِصطَلى قَطُّ أَبي
مُفَحِّجاً لِلَّهَبِ
18. Nor did he covet and
Yearn for statues
١٨. وَلَم بايدَ نَسِياً
وَلا هَوى لِلنُصُبِ
19. Never did my father
Ride an emaciated camel
١٩. كَلّا وَلا كانَ أَبي
يَركَبُ شَرجَي قَتَبِ
20. We are kings who never
Receded into the past
٢٠. إِنّا مُلوكٌ لَم نَزَل
في سالِفاتِ الحِقَبِ
21. It was us who brought the steeds from
Balkh, no lie
٢١. نَحنُ جَلَبنا الخَيلَ مِن
بَلخٍ بِغَيرِ الكَذِبِ
22. Until we watered them, never
Seeing the rivers of Aleppo
٢٢. حَتّى سَقَيناها وَما
نَبدَهُ نَهرَي حَلَبِ
23. Until they trampled Syria
The land of fortresses, with their hooves
٢٣. حَتّى إِذا ما دَوَّخَت
بِالشامِ أَرضَ الصُلُبِ
24. Then we marched with them to Egypt
In an army clad in armor
٢٤. سِرنا إِلى مِصرَ بِها
في جَحفَلٍ ذي لَجَبِ
25. Until we seized its reign
With our own conquered reign
٢٥. حَتّى اِستَلَبنا مُلكَها
بِمُلكِنا المُستَلَبِ
26. The steeds yielded, taking us to
Wondrous Tangier
٢٦. وَجادَت الخَيلُ بِنا
طَنجَةَ ذاتَ العَجَبِ
27. Until we restored the rule to
The people of the Arab Prophet
٢٧. حَتّى رَدَدنا المُلكَ في
أَهلِ النَبِيِّ العَرَبي
28. With it he shakes the forefather of excellence
The best of Quraysh in relation to the Prophet
٢٨. يَهزَ أَبا الفَضلِ بِها
أَولى قُرَيشٍ بِالنَبي
29. Who is it that resisted guidance
And the faith was not seized?
٢٩. مَن ذا الَّذي عادى الهُدى
وَالدينَ لَم يُستَلَبِ
30. Who opposed it
Or fought and was not plundered?
٣٠. وَمَن وَمَن عانَدَهُ
أَو جارَ لَم يُنتَهَبِ
31. We rage for God and for
Islam, captives of wrath
٣١. نَغضَبُ لِلَّهِ وَلِل
إِسلامِ أَسرى الغَضَبِ
32. I am the son of the lofty branch of Fares
The zealous defender on its behalf
٣٢. أَنا اِبنُ فَرعَي فارِسٍ
عَنها المُحامي العَصِبِ
33. We are the ones with the crowns and
The prevailing mighty rule
٣٣. نَحنُ ذَوو التيجانِ وَال
مُلكِ الأَشَمِّ الأَغلَبِ