
The heart has become youthful with love

أصبح القلب بالنحيلة صبا

1. The heart has become youthful with love
After being awake and returning with ardour

١. أَصبَحَ القَلبُ بِالنَحيلَةِ صَبّا
بَعدَ ما قَد صَحا وَراجَعَ لُبّا

2. The entrance of Al-Walid has increased it
And an imagination flowed in Abda with wonder

٢. زادَهُ مَدخَلُ الوَليدِ عَلَيهِ
وَخَيالٌ سَرى بِعَبدَةَ عُجبا

3. And the words of the girl when the veil was lifted
Were difficult for her due to what had happened before

٣. وَمَقالُ الفَتاةِ إِذ هُتِكَ السَت
رُ لَها عَن مَقالِ ما كانَ عَبّا

4. O you who seek refuge from the love of Abda
When an imagination startled and confused him

٤. أَيُّها المُستَجيرُ مِن حُبِّ عَبّا
دَةَ إِذ راعَهُ خَيالٌ فَهَبّا

5. None can give refuge from her love but her
After it had spread in his heart and crept

٥. لَيسَ مِن حُبِّها مُجيرٌ سِواها
بَعدَ ما سارَ في الفُؤادِ وَدَبّا

6. O my friend take me out of love
Gently and do not blame a lover

٦. يا خَليلَيَّ أَخرِجاني مِنَ الحُب
بِ سَوِيّاً وَلا تَلوما مُحِبّا

7. So stop blaming him and do not blame a friend
Who is accused of a sin he did not commit

٧. فَاِترُكا لَومَهُ وَلوما خَليلاً
يَتَجَنّى ذَنباً وَلَم يَدرِ ذَنبا

8. Every day affection complains about him
I wonder is affection considered complaining?

٨. كُلَّ يَومٍ تَعَتَّبَ الوُدُّ مِنهُ
لَيتَ شِعري أَيُحسَبُ الوُدُّ عَتبا

9. That is Abda whom it did not reach
Except it has become a misfortune to his eyes

٩. تِلكَ عَبّادَةُ الَّتي لَم تَنَلهُ
غَيرَ ما أَصبَحَت لِعَينَيهِ نَصبا

10. Ubeyda drank a potion away from me
As if I drank love's draught

١٠. شَرِبَت سَلوَةً عُبَيدَةُ عَنّي
وَكَأَنّي شَرِبتُ بِالحُبِّ طَبّا

11. So hope in her is over, it has been cut off
My doctor has stopped me and I am in agony

١١. فَتَقَضّى الرَجاءُ مِنها لَقَد صَد
دَ طَبيبي عَنّي وَقَضَّيتُ نَحبا

12. If I do not die of that, I am
Dead from fearing that terror

١٢. أَنا إِن لَم أَمُت بِذاكَ فَإِنّي
مَيِّتٌ مِن مَخافَتي ذاكَ رُعبا

13. I wish her heart would equal mine
Or we were given a heart like Abda's heart

١٣. لَيتَها تاقَ قَلبُها فَاِستَوَينا
أَو رُزِقنا كَقَلبِ عَبدَةَ قَلبا

14. So we were patient with her as she was patient
With us and we did not take Ubeyda as a lord

١٤. فَصَبَرنا عَنها كَما صَبَرَت عَن
نا وَلَم نَتَّخِذ عُبَيدَةَ رَبّا

15. So uncover what is between us and return to us
We have met you in love fully

١٥. فَاِكشِفي ما بِنا وَعودي عَلَينا
قَد لَقينا إِلَيكِ في الحُبِّ حَسبا