
Fatima was amazed at my praise of her

عجبت فطمة من نعتي لها

1. Fatima was amazed at my praise of her
Can a blind man excel in praise?

١. عَجِبَت فَطمَةُ مِن نَعتي لَها
هَل يُجيدُ النَعتَ مَكفوفُ البَصَر

2. A girl of thirteen divided
Among a branch, a dune, and a moon

٢. بِنتُ عَشرٍ وَثلاثٍ قُسِّمَت
بَينَ غُصنٍ وَكثيبٍ وَقَمَر

3. A hidden sea pearl
That the merchant could not distinguish among the pearls

٣. دُرَّةٌ بَحرِيَّةٌ مَكنونَةٌ
مازَها التاجِرُ مِن بَينِ الدُرَر

4. She shed a tear and said "Woe is me!
From the burning anguish of bold gamblers."

٤. أَذرَتِ الدَمعَ وَقالَت وَيلَتي
مِن وَلوعِ الكَفِّ رَكّابِ الخَطَر

5. O my beloved, this toy of mine is scattered
And my scarf is untied and scattered about.

٥. أُمَّتا بَدَّدَ هَذا لُعَبي
وَوِشاحي حَلَّهُ حَتّى اِنتَثَر

6. So let me be with you my beloved
To fulfill our desire in privacy

٦. فَدَعيني مَعَهُ يا أُمَّتا
عَلَّنا في خَلوَةٍ نَقضي الوَطَر

7. She came angry, beating him,
And madness overcame her like a raging fire

٧. أَقبَلَت مُغضَبَةً تَضرِبُها
وَاِعتَراها كَجُنونٍ مُستَعِر

8. By my father I swear, nothing was finer
Than a teardrop washing kohl and dripping.

٨. بِأَبي وَاللَهِ ما أَحسَنَهُ
دَمعَ عَينٍ يَغسِلُ الكُحلَ قَطَر

9. O sleepers, arise and restrain yourselves
And ask me today about the taste of wakefulness.

٩. أَيُّها النُوّامُ هُبّوا وَيحَكُم
وَاِسأَلوني اليَومَ ما طَعمُ السَهر