1. The vicissitudes of fate embitter life's joy,
And strange events arise in adversities.
١. نَغَّصَ طيبَ العَيشِ تَنصيبُ
وَفي المُلِمّاتِ الأَعاجيبُ
2. Time with its rulings plays tricks,
And man is deceived and told lies.
٢. وَالدَهرُ طَلّاعٌ بِأَحكامِهِ
وَالمَرءُ مَخدوعٌ وَمَكذوبُ
3. People come and people go,
Good and evil are counted against them.
٣. وَالناسُ مِن غادٍ وَمِن رائِحٍ
يُحصى عَلَيهِ البِرُّ وَالحوبُ
4. Death is not desired, yet wished for,
Hated, though life is torment.
٤. لا يَشتَهي المَوتَ وَيُمنى بِهِ
كَرهاً وَطيبُ العَيشِ تَعذيبُ
5. Say to the son of David when you meet him,
You will find one sought and seeking.
٥. قُل لِاِبنِ داوُدَ إِذا جِئتَهُ
سَيبُكَ مَوجودٌ وَمَطلوبُ
6. A freeman made true his word willingly,
While the slave is beaten and cowed.
٦. أَنجَزَ حُرٌّ وَأيَهُ طائِعاً
وَالعَبدُ مَكدودٌ وَمَضروبُ
7. A person's actions show his likeness,
So act like your namesake, O Jacob!
٧. لِلمَرءِ مِن أَفعالِهِ مُشبِهٌ
فَاِفعَل شَبيهاً بِكَ يَعقوبُ
8. You have milked for the people, do not forget me,
You are the spring of generosity, freshly drawn.
٨. حَلَبتَ لِلقَومِ فَلا تَنسَني
وَأَنتَ عَرفُ الجودِ مَحلوبُ
9. He who has done good, his good remains
As praise, and falsehoods pass away.
٩. يُبقي لِذي المَعروفِ مَعروفُهُ
حَمداً وَتَنزاحُ الأَكاذيبُ