
O friend, speak of my need

يا صاح قل في حاجتي

1. O friend, speak of my need
Did you recall it amidst what you recalled

١. يا صاحِ قُل في حاجَتي
أَذَكَرتَها فيما ذَكَرتا

2. Or do you not see that reproach
When turned to it becomes blemished

٢. أَو لا تَرى أَنَّ العِدا
تِ إِذا اِلتَوَيتَ بِها ذُمِمتا

3. Recommend the pureness of a friend
And recall through it what you have said

٣. رَشِّح لُبانَةَ صاحِبٍ
وَاِذكُر بِها ما كُنتَ قُلتا

4. Verily ease with forgiveness
When you suffer from what you sought

٤. إِنَّ السَراحَ مَعَ السَما
حِ إِذا شَقيتَ بِما طَلَبتا

5. And a promise is of the religion of nobles
So what do you see in what you promised

٥. وَالوَعدُ مِن دَينِ الكِرامِ
فَما تَرى فيما وَعَدتا

6. The easiest beginnings of a need
The tongue ventured it and it flowed

٦. أَسهِل مَطالِعَ حاجَةٍ
قَصَدَ اللِسانُ بِها وَجُرتا

7. Wealth is the most fleeting destroyer
And thanks are the most useful that you attempted

٧. المالُ أَهوَنُ هالِكٍ
وَالحَمدُ أَنفَعُ ما اِستَطَعتا

8. And of wonders is that you
Gifted me then it reversed

٨. وَمِنَ العَجائِبِ أَنَّ ما
مَنَّيتَني ثُمَّ اِنقَلَبتا

9. And I sent Ayya the liar
And when you come to us, you lied

٩. وَبَعَثتُ وَأَيَّةَ كاذِبٍ
وَإِذا وَأَيتَ لَنا كَذَبتا

10. So I see you follow what is condemned
And not hasten to what is praised

١٠. فَأَراكَ تَتبَعُ ما يُذَم
مُ وَلا تَعيجُ بِما حُمِدتا

11. If there is propriety in the mistake
Then you have succeeded and not failed

١١. إِن كانَ في الخَطَلِ الصَوا
بُ فَقَد أَصَبتَ وَما عَجِزتا