
O Love, the remedy for love is lost

يا حب إن دواء الحب مفقود

1. O Love, the remedy for love is lost
Except with you, so is what I wish for found?

١. يا حُبَّ إِنَّ دَواءَ الحُبِّ مَفقودُ
إِلّا لَدَيكِ فَهَل ما رُمتُ مَوجودُ

2. She said "who do you love?" I said "For her love
My eyes, forehead, and hands are bound."

٢. قالَت عَلَيكَ بِمَن تَهوى فَقُلتُ لَها
يا حُبَّ فوكِ الهَوى وَالعَينُ وَالجيدُ

3. Don't play with my life or cut off my hope
With patience for death, for death is fated.

٣. لا تَلعَبي بِحَياتي وَاِقطَعي أَمَلي
صَبراً عَلى المَوتِ إِنَّ المَوتَ مَورودُ

4. Your dream calls death before its time
And if you grant me, your grant is everlasting.

٤. رُؤياكِ تَدعو المَنايا قَبلَ مَوقِتِها
وَإِن تُنيلي فَنَيلٌ مِنكِ مَخلودُ

5. You're the princess of my soul and body
So correct my feathers with your gentle hands.

٥. أَنتِ الأَميرَةُ في روحي وَفي جَسَدي
فَاِبري وَريشي بِكَفَّيكِ الأَقاليدُ

6. Don't hasten me to the pigeons of death, and wait
A day when I'm enveloped in white and black.

٦. لا تَسبِقي بي حِمامَ المَوتِ وَاِنتَظِري
يَوماً كَأَن قَد طَوَتني البيضُ وَالسودُ

7. Some people blamed me for you, so I said
What's the fault of one whose heart is burning, exhausted?

٧. قَد لامَني فيكِ أَقوامٌ فَقُلتُ لَهُم
ما ذَنبُ مَن قَلبُهُ حَرّانُ مَجهودُ

8. I wasn't the first madman for a girl
Who made his heart foolish; man is stubborn.

٨. ما كُنتُ أَوَّلَ مَجنونٍ بِجارِيَةٍ
تَسَفَّهَت لُبَّهُ وَالمَرءُ صِنديدُ

9. Blame falls on deaf ears unhearing
While the eye of the critic is clouded in tears.

٩. أَغرى بِهِ اللَومَ أُذنٌ غَيرُ سامِعَةٍ
وَأَحوَرُ العَينِ في سِمطَينِ رِعديدُ

10. I loved my love, though she didn't love me
For her I have only words, no deeds.

١٠. أَحبَبتُ حُبّى وَما حُبّى بِمُطَّلَبي
مَن لَيسَ لي عِندَهُ إِلّا الجَلاميدُ

11. A poor gift she has given me, a stone -
No, she hasn't given me even a stick or firewood.

١١. بِئسَ العَطِيَّةُ مِن حُبّى لَنا حَجَرٌ
بَل لَيسَ لي حَجَرٌ مِنها وَلا عودُ

12. She wakes heavily and sleeps lazily
As if she's an idol among the living, worshipped.

١٢. تَغدو ثَقالاً وَتُمسي في مَجاسِدِها
كَأَنَّها صَنَمٌ في الحَيِّ مَعبودُ

13. She slept and I couldn't sleep after seeing her
Does the fiery-eyed ever sleep content?

١٣. نامَت وَلَم أَلقَ نَوماً بَعدَ رُؤيَتِها
وَهَل يَنامُ سَخينُ العَينِ مَعمودُ

14. O beauty of my love, when she stood before her neighbor
The slender-waisted sways gently bent.

١٤. يا حُسنَ حُبّى إِذا قامَت لِجارَتِها
وَفي الرَواحِ هَضيمُ الكَشحِ أُملودُ

15. As if she's the pleasure of youth, loyal
And the intoxication of death, if the promised is not kept.

١٥. كَأَنَّها لَذَّةُ الفِتيانِ موفِيَةً
وَسَكرَةُ المَوتِ إِن لَم يوفَ مَوعودُ

16. You give what you wish of vows and numbers
But the promise is close and the door of attainment shut.

١٦. تُؤتيكَ ما شِئتَ مِن عَهدٍ وَمِن عِدَةٍ
فَالوَعدُ دانٍ وَبابُ النَيلِ مَسدودُ

17. My love's stinginess has made my resolve collapse
Of what good is the life of a youth whose cup is empty?

١٧. قَد صَرَّدَت هامَتي حُبّى بِبَخلَتِها
ما خَيرُ عَيشِ الفَتى وَالكَأسُ تَصريدُ

18. I envy the newborn who walked step by step
While I have a disease that no newborn has found.

١٨. إِنّي لَأَحسُدُ مَولوداً مَشى قَدَماً
وَبي مِنَ الداءِ ما لَم يَلقَ مَولودُ

19. I see the waist-wrap on my love, and envy it
The waist-wrap envelops what is envied.

١٩. أَرى الإِزارَ عَلى حُبّى فَأَحسُدُهُ
إِنَّ الإِزارَ عَلى ما ضَمَّ مَحسودُ

20. O friend of my needs and companion
Until I complained and sleep was disturbed.

٢٠. يا دامَ كُنتِ لِحاجاتي وَصاحِبَتي
حَتّى اِشتَكَيتُ وَغالَ النَومَ تَسهيدُ

21. Tell my love I have loved to see her
If I had any way to bring her close or push away.

٢١. قولي لِحُبّى فَقَد أَحبَبتُ رُؤيَتَها
لَو كانَ لي مِنكِ تَقريبٌ وَتَبعيدُ

22. My eye settled upon you, hoping
For intimacy and the sweetness of dalliance.

٢٢. قَرَّت بِكِ العَينُ أَو بِتنا عَلى طَمَعٍ
مِنَ النَوالِ وَطابَ اللَهوُ وَالغيدُ

23. No good in a number that is not fulfilled
So fulfill the promise, generosity is praiseworthy.

٢٣. لا خَيرَ في عِدَةٍ لَيسَت بِمُنجَزَةٍ
فَأَنجِزي الوَعدَ إِنَّ الجودَ مَحمودُ

24. The lover isn't like a farmer with a plantation
If he misses the water, the promises enrich him.

٢٤. لَيسَ المُحِبُّ كَكَمّونٍ بِمَزرَعَةٍ
إِن فاتَهُ الماءُ أَغنَتهُ المَواعيدُ

25. If you don't grant with a promise, then don't promise
How ugly a promise until generosity adorns it.

٢٥. إِن لَم تَجودي بِمَوعودٍ فَلا تَعِدي
ما أَقبَحَ الوَعدَ حَتّى زانَهُ الجودُ

26. I asked my love but she didn't return to a man
Whose tongue from asking people is bound.

٢٦. سَأَلتُ حُبّى فَما عادَت عَلى رَجُلٍ
لِسانُهُ عَن سُؤالِ الناسِ مَعقودُ

27. It's as if she fears snakes lying in wait
No, it's as if I'm forbidden from goodness.

٢٧. كَأَنَّهُ يَتَّقي الحَيّاتِ فاغِرَةً
لا بَل كَأَنّي عَنِ المَعروفِ مَجدودُ

28. The free give you pardon from their excellence
Before asking, while the slave is driven away.

٢٨. وَالحُرُّ يُعطيكَ عَفواً مِن فَواضِلِهِ
قَبلَ السُؤالِ وَسَيبُ العَبدِ مَنكودُ