1. Let me die of love, and no reproach afflict me,
For yearning after loved ones is no shame.
١. دَعني أَمُت بِالهَوى لا يَلحَني لاحِ
لَيسَ المَشوقُ إِلى الأَحبابِ كَالصاحي
2. Had you known desire, you'd not deny the weeping
Of one whose soul is seared by passion's flame.
٢. لَو كُنتَ تَطرَبُ لَم تُنكِر بُكا طَرِبٍ
صَبٍّ عَلى نَفسِهِ بِالشِعرِ نَوّاحِ
3. Lower your gaze before the absence hurts me;
I've heeded wisdom none revealed or spoke.
٣. خَفِّض جَشاكَ عَلى نَأيِ الدُنُوِّ بِها
آلَيتُ أُدني نَصيحاً ما وَحى واحِ
4. A dog once barked before her dwelling's portal;
Should I be frightened then by dogs that croak?
٤. قَد هَرَّ قَبلَكَ كَلبٌ دونَ حُجرَتِها
فَهَل فَزِعتُ لِكَلبٍ مَرَّ نَبّاحِ
5. My twisted viscera will give me no respite,
No peace within my heart, my frame, my self.
٥. أَبى لِيَ اللَعَجُ المَشبوبُ في كَبِدي
وَفي فُؤادي وَأَوصالي وَأَرواحي
6. The gentle breeze delights when blowing southward;
But you are to me a wind of discontent.
٦. أَرتاحُ لِلريحِ إِن هَبَّت يَمانِيَةً
وَأَنتَ عِندي رَخيمٌ غَيرُ مُرتاحِ
7. No sound I hear except a maid calling
To lion she so loves, her soul on fire.
٧. لا أَسمَعُ الصَوتَ إِلّا صَوتَ جارِيَةٍ
تَدعو إِلى أَسَدٍ مِن حُبِّها شاحِ
8. As though her plea my passion were extracting,
A mountain formed of flames, yet without pyre.
٨. كَأَنَّما اِنتَزَعَت حُبّي بِدَعوَتِها
كَأَنَّها جَبَلٌ مِن دونِ نُصّاحي
9. O beautiful the knolls supple and beauteous!
Would that each knoll were like a supple thigh!
٩. رَيّا الروادِفِ مِلواحٌ مُنَعَّمَةٌ
يا حَبَّذا كُلُّ رَيّا الرِدفِ مِلواحِ
10. Your passing smile no love-desire sparked me,
Like lightning's gleam, that flashes from the sky.
١٠. لَم تَرثِ لي مِن جَوى حُبٍّ وَقَد ضَحِكَت
عَن بارِدٍ كَوَميضِ البَرقِ لَمّاحِ
11. As if within her eyes resides a charm, that snares,
When she but glances, binding spells that daze.
١١. كَأَنَّ في طَرفِ عَينَيها إِذا نَظَرَت
بِناظِرٍ عُقَداً مِن سِحرِ سَبّاحِ
12. Her eye gives joy, and meets the absent sun
As though created of a lamp's pure rays.
١٢. تَسُرُّ عَيناً وَتَلقى الشَمسَ غَيبَتَها
كَأَنَّما خُلِقَت مِن ضَوءِ مِصباحِ
13. My hopes in her each eve I place, but morning
Finds her betraying all I hoped to gain.
١٣. أُمسي أُؤَمِّلُ جَدواها فَتُخلِفُني
وَما أَزالُ كَما أَمسَيتُ إِصباحي
14. Can one of noble ways fail and abandon
What good he's promised souls who cry in pain?
١٤. وَكَيفَ يُخلِفُ مَأمولٌ لَهُ شَرَفٌ
مِن بَعدِ ما قالَ خَيراً لِاِمرِئٍ ناحِ
15. My friend reproves me for my love of her
Who opened wide the door of youth for me.
١٥. يَلومُني صاحِبي فيها وَقَد فَتَحَت
إِلى الصَبابَةِ لي باباً بِمِفتاحِ
16. She deeply drank of love and was not sated
Till I could swallow not a sip but sea.
١٦. خاضَت مِنَ الحُبِّ ضَحضاحاً وَما رَضِيَت
حَتّى جَشِمتُ إِلَيها غَيرَ ضَحضاحِ
17. She came to me with toothpick, feigning
To teach me how it tasted - what her aim.
١٧. تَسَوَّكَت لي بِمِسواكٍ لِتُعلِمَني
ما طَعمُ فيها وَما هَمَّت بِإِصلاحِ
18. But when she put it in her mouth, its flavor
Was sweet as honey mixed with scent of camphor.
١٨. لَمّا أَتَتني عَلى المِسواكِ ريقَتُها
مَثلوجَةَ الطَعمِ مِثلَ الشَهدِ بِالراحِ
19. I kissed what her lips touched, and then exclaimed:
Would that I were this toothpick in her mouth!
١٩. قَبَّلتُ ما مَسَّ فاها ثُمَّ قُلتُ لَهُ
يالَيتَني كُنتُ ذا المِسواكَ يا صاحِ
20. Say to my soul: return now to my body,
Or argue me with glances that explain.
٢٠. قُل لِلرَبابِ اِرجِعي روحي إِلى جَسَدي
أَو عَلِّليني بِوَجهٍ مِنكِ وَضّاحِ
21. Caprice refrains from inciting me, but leaves me
Prey at dawn to the madness love ordains.
٢١. عَلى الوَساوِسِ تُعفيني وَتَترُكُني
مِن باكِرٍ بِدَعاوي الحُبِّ رَوّاحِ