1. O slave, visit me, it would be a favor
From God when I meet you
١. يا عَبدَ زوريني تَكُن مِنَّةٌ
لِلّهِ عِندي يَومَ أَلقاكِ
2. By God, then by God, be assured
That I hope for you and fear you
٢. وَاللَهِ ثُمَّ اللَهِ فَاِستَيقِني
إِنّي لَأَرجوكِ وَأَخشاكِ
3. O slave, I am wretched and disgraced
If I don't taste the coolness of your embrace
٣. يا عَبدَ إِنّي هالِكٌ مُدنَفٌ
إِنَ لَم أَذُق بَردَ ثَناياكِ
4. So don't turn away a wretched lover
Who is content with this much of you
٤. فَلا تَرُدّي عاشِقاً مُدنَفاً
يَرضى بِهَذا القَدرِ مِن ذاكِ