
O Ram, arise, we have become different without chatter,

يا رام قومي اصبحينا غير تصريد

1. O Ram, arise, we have become different without chatter,
Do not be stingy, that stinginess is not like generosity,

١. يا رامَ قُومي اِصبَحينا غَيرَ تَصريدِ
لا تَبخَلي لَيسَ ذاكَ البُخلُ كَالجودِ

2. O Ram, I had a brother whom I hoped for,
But slanderers misguided him away from me,

٢. يا رامَ إِنَّ أَخاً لي كُنتُ آمُلُهُ
ساقَ الوشاةُ إِلَيها غَيرَ تَسديدِ

3. So I stay up reciting poetry, sleepless and worried,
Until morning, though my sleep is not rewarding,

٣. فَبِتُّ أَنشُدُ نَومَ العَينِ مُرتَفِقاً
حَتّى الصَباحِ وَما نَومي بِمَوجودِ

4. O Ram, lowering myself is not in my nature or manners,
And the horizons blazed with hunting,

٤. يا رامَ ما الخَفضُ مِن شَأني وَلا خُلُقي
وَقَد تَحَرَّقَتِ الآفاقُ بِالصيدِ

5. I have become preoccupied with regret instead of leisure,
Not relaxing in the bliss of the soft bed,

٥. أَصبَحّتُ عَن شُغُلِ النَدمانِ في شُغُل
لا أَرعَوي لِنَعيمِ القَينَةِ الغيدِ

6. How can I relax on the sweet basil while war
Rages, hitting cheeks and necks?

٦. وَكَيفَ أُسقى عَلى الرَيحانِ مُتَّكِئاً
وَالحَربُ حاسِرَةُ الخَدَّينِ وَالجِيدِ

7. I swear by your love, my eyes see no cheer,
And my determination is not to be turned back,

٧. إِنّي وَجَدِّكِ ما رَأيي بِمُنتَشِرٍ
عِندَ الحِفاظِ وَلا عَزمي بِمَردودِ

8. I can strip the tyrannical king of his ornaments,
In a pure swordfight witnessed by all,

٨. قَد أَسلُبُ المَلِكَ الجَبّارَ حِليَتَهُ
في مَأقِطٍ مِثل خَطِّ السَيفِ مَشهودِ

9. And I do not forbid my pool to deprive him,
There is no good in visiting a people you're not welcomed by,

٩. وَلا أُذَبِّبُ عَن حَوضي لِأَمنَعَهُ
لا خَيرَ في وِردِ قَومٍ غَيرِ مَورودِ

10. O Ram, I am a man of nobility in life,
I look after friends and am called among allies,

١٠. يا رامَ إِنّي اِمرُؤٌ في الحَيِّ لي شَرَفٌ
أَرعى الخَليلَ وَأُدعى في الصَناديدِ

11. My kindness is hoped for alongside hard times for those who seek it,
And death is feared during my dark days,

١١. يُرجى مَعَ المُزنِ مَعروفي لِطالِبِهِ
وَيُتَّقى المَوتُ مِن حَيّاتِيَ السودِ

12. Do not deny the hatred of envious foes I defeated,
Glory is not built except by the envied,

١٢. لا تُنكِري غِلَّ حُسّادٍ غَمَمتُهُمُ
لا يَبتَني المَجدَ إِلّا كُلُّ مَحسودِ

13. And one who was happy with fate but it turned against us,
Swiftly, against a dutiful and newborn brother,

١٣. وَقائِلٍ سَرَّهُ دَهرٌ وَساءَ بِنا
سَريعُهُ في أَخٍ بَرِّ وَمَولودِ

14. And when the time for tears has passed he cries over the past,
Gifted to dust, elder and infant alike,

١٤. وَحينَ فاتَ البُكا يَبكي عَلى سَلَفٍ
يُهدى إِلى التُربِ مِن كَهلٍ وَمِن رودِ

15. One who accompanied fate, it left him no sorrow,
So cease your crying over your regretful affection,

١٥. مَن صاحَبَ الدَهرَ لَم يَترُك لَهُ شَجَناً
فَاِترُك بُكاكَ عَلى نَدمانِكَ المودي

16. I said, a care has afflicted me from a brother,
Whose death came early, of recent memory,

١٦. فَقُلتُ هَمٌّ عَراني مِن أَخٍ سَبَقَت
بِهِ المَنايا كَريمِ العَهدِ مَودودِ

17. He was lowly but fate made me love him,
And fate brings weakness to the strong,

١٧. كانَ الدَنِيَّ فَغالَ الدَهرُ أُلفَتَهُ
وَالدَهرُ يُحدِثُ وَهناً في الجَلاميدٍ

18. And my neighbor by the Tigris, his death befell me,
And I missed a master from a line of chiefs,

١٨. وَجارُ دَجلَةَ حَلَّت بي مُصيبَتُهُ
وَفاتَني سَيِّدٌ مِن مِعشَرٍ سودِ

19. I did not dislike either with enmity,
But with purity, like the clear spring water to the willow,

١٩. كِلاهُما لَم يَكُن وُدّي لَهُم صَلَفاً
لَكِن صَفاءً كَماءِ المُزنِ للعودِ

20. I used to hope for their return along with other hopes,
Until they stayed despite me forever,

٢٠. قَد كُنتُ أَرجو مَعَ الراجي إِيابَهُما
حَتّى أَقاما عَلى رَغمي بِمَخلودِ

21. So drink to the deaths of brethren, enjoy their company,
The door of death is an irreversible door,

٢١. فَاِشرَب عَلى مَوتِ إِخوانٍ رُزِئتَهُمُ
بابُ المَنِيَّةِ بابٌ غَيرُ مَسدودِ

22. It is enough for you that piety brings success,
While sinfulness is disgrace, so do not replace them,

٢٢. يَكفيكَ أَن التُقى أَيدٌ يَفوزُ بِهِ
وَالفِسقُ ذُلٌّ فَلا يُعدَل بِتَأييدِ

23. And money is honor, so increase your clever ways to gain it,
And if you lack it, be content with asceticism,

٢٣. وَالمالُ عِزٌّ فَأكثِر مِن طَرائِفِهِ
وَإِن عَدِمتَ فَطِب نَفساً بِتَفنيدِ

24. The vulgar equated money with their Lord,
And poverty placed a people into darkness after esteem,

٢٤. قَد شَبَّهَ المالَ أَوغادٌ بِرَبِّهِمُ
وَأَوضَعَ الفَقرُ قَوماً بَعدَ تَسويدِ

25. Some people boast with their money,
While the unprivileged are banished into exile,

٢٥. يَروحُ في الجاهِ أَقوَامٌ بِمالِهِمُ
وَذُو الخَصاصَةِ مَدفوعٌ بِتَبعيدِ

26. So gain from money what builds your east,
Or live contentedly in scarcity, obscure and uncounted,

٢٦. فَاِكسِب مِنَ المالِ ما تَبني بِهِ شَرَقاً
أَو عِش بِرَغمٍ قَصِيّاً غَيرَ مَعدودِ

27. A group has been steeped into their chests against me,
The poison of dragons boils during appointments,

٢٧. وَمَعشَرٍ مُنقَعٍ لي في صُدورِهِمُ
سُمُّ الأَساوِدِ يَغلي في المَواعيدِ

28. And I named them in verse over their eyes,
And the replier's poison struck the necks of fools,

٢٨. وَسَمتُهُم بِالقَوافي فَوقَ أعَيُنِهِم
وَسمَ المُعَيدِيِّ أَعناقَ المَقاحيدِ

29. When they see me they hiss from their burqas,
As Ibn Nihiya hissed after singing,

٢٩. إِذا رَأَوني أَصاخُوا في مَجاثِمِهِم
كَما أَصاخَ اِبنُ نِهيا بَعدَ تَغريدِ

30. It is as if they saw in me a fierce battle lion
Angry, or a crowned king,

٣٠. كَأَنَّما عايَنُوا بي لَيثَ مَلحَمَةٍ
غَضبانَ أَو مَلِكاً بِالتاجِ مَعقودِ

31. O ignorant one who shamelessly antagonizes me,
You have tried and gained no praise,

٣١. يا أَيُّها الجاهِلُ المُبتاحُ لي سَفَهاً
لاقَيتَ جَهداً وَلَم تَظفَر بِمَحمودِ

32. Do not think me like one whose tears flow,
At threats, from the thundering maidens,

٣٢. لا تَحسَبَنّي كَمَن تَجري مَدامِعُهُ
مِنَ الوَعيدِ مَعَ الحورِ الرَعاديدِ

33. When war stirs I come rushing, unstoppable,
I come to the battlefield and march unrelented,

٣٣. إِنّي إِذا الحَربُ راحَت غَيرَ قاعِدَةٍ
آتي الهُوَينى وَأَغدو غَيرَ مَهدودِ

34. Jinn have tested my guards and tested me,
The lion of mankind, humbling with my leadership,

٣٤. قَد جَرَّبَ الجِنُّ أَحراسي وَجَرَّبَني
أُسدُ الأَنيسِ مُدِلّات بِتَأسيدِ

35. Verses flow from me better than any brilliant star,
More than snake venom to the living dog and master.

٣٥. تَفِحُّ دوني القَوافي كُلَّ شارِقَةٍ
فَحَّ الأَفاعي لِكَلبِ الحَيِّ وَالسيدِ