
My friend, sing praises and say: O beauty manifest!

سبح خليلي وقل يا حسن تصوير

1. My friend, sing praises and say: O beauty manifest!
Sulaima came gliding gracefully in her palanquin.

١. سَبِّح خَليلي وَقُل يا حُسنَ تَصويرِ
راحَت سُلَيمى تَهادى في المَقاصيرِ

2. The sun's vicegerent suffices the living during its absence,
As if the Maker molded it from light.

٢. خَليفَةُ الشَمسِ تَكفي الحَيَّ غَيبَتَها
كَأَنَّما صاغَها الخَلّاقُ مِن نورِ

3. Her figure was made perfect and pervaded her limbs,
As if she were one of the maidens of Paradise.

٣. تَمَّت قَواماً وَعَمَّت في مَجاسِدِها
كَأَنَّها مِن جَواري الجَنَّةِ الحورِ

4. And her apparition would sometimes haunt me,
And I would visit her before the birds' singing.

٤. وَرُبَّما شاقَني طَيفٌ بِصورَتِها
وَزُرتُها قَبلَ أَصواتِ العَصافيرِ

5. When she saw me behind a curtain,
She walked slowly in a frequently worn wrap.

٥. لَمّا رَأَت مَضرَحِيّاً خَلفَ دانِيَةٍ
مِنَ الدَواعِ سَرى في سِترِ مَأثورِ

6. She took sun among the maidens, then they told her:
"Walk on." So she said: "A prince does not take orders."

٦. تَشَمَّسَت في الجَواري ثُمَّ قُلنَ لَها
سيري فَقالَت أَميرٌ غَيرُ مَأمورِ

7. Until when a dimple smiled under her cheek,
She returned after prayers and glorifications.

٧. حَتّى إِذا غَرَّ فَتقٌ تَحتَ وَسنَتِها
وَراجَعَت بَعدَ تَسبيحٍ وَتَكبيرِ

8. And we shared something, and she shared with me
Something similar without change.

٨. وَكانَ مِنها لَنا شَيءٌ وَكانَ لَها
مِنّا شَبيهٌ بِهِ في غَيرِ تَغييرِ

9. The night bid us farewell, calling between blankets
That summon the dawn with an unvisited voice.

٩. نَعى لَنا اللَيلَ ناعٍ بَينَ أَغشِيَةٍ
تَدعو الصَباحَ بَصوتٍ غَيرِ مَنزورِ

10. So I slipped away from her and she slipped into her amusements,
As if it had all been an unfulfilled dream.

١٠. فَزُلتُ عَنها وَزالَتَ في لَعائِبِها
كَأَنَّما كان حُلماً غَيرَ مَعبورِ

11. O her scent amidst basil and perfume
That makes the darkness prostrate in worship of flasks!

١١. يا طيبَها بَينَ رَيحانٍ وُمُلتَثِمٍ
نَطوي الدُجى بِسُجودٍ لِلقواريرِ

12. She is one of those whom, when the wine-jugs are passed around,
She prays with an ear inclined to the sound of glasses and pouring.

١٢. مِنَ اللَواتي إِذا حَنَّ الكِرانُ لَها
صَلَّت بِأُذنٍ لِصَوتِ البَمِّ وَالزيرِ

13. Were it not for the Caliph, we would have visited her,
But we made a covenant with the Trustworthy in goodness.

١٣. لَولا الخَليفَةُ شارَفنا زِيارَتَها
لَكِن عَهِدنا أَمينَ اللَهِ في الخيرِ

14. Before this I did not guard my seeing eyes
Or watch those of immorality and falsehood.

١٤. قَد كُنتُ لا أَتقَّي عَيناً مُبَصَّرَةً
وَلا أُراقِبُ أَهلَ الفُحشِ وَالزورِ

15. Until when the Righteous Mahdi promised me,
I left it for the passionate drunkard.

١٥. حَتّى إِذا القائِمُ المَهدِيُّ أَوعَدَني
في اللَهوِ خَلَّيتُهُ لِلعاشِقِ الزيرِ

16. So now I refrain from Salma, and the Caliph's covenant adorns me,
The ornament of the robe with rivets.

١٦. فَالآنَ أَقصَرتُ عَن سَلمى وَزَيَّنَني
عَهدُ الخَليفَةِ زينَ البُردِ بِالنيرِ

17. O Salma, we are prevented from coming to you by a king
Whose love of loyalty and my passion are no excuse.

١٧. يا سَلمَ إِنّا تَأَيّاني لَكُم مَلِكٌ
حِبُّ الوَفاءِ وَشَوقي غَيرُ تَعذيرِ

18. My soul bids you safety and prayer to Allah
That nothing but the foreordained cut short this friendship.

١٨. روحي عَليكِ سلامُ اللَهِ وادِعَةً
لا يَقطَعُ الإِلفَ شَيءٌ غَيرُ مَقدورِ

19. I am seen off by a verse
That departed burning in a dog and pig.

١٩. إِنّي يُشَيِّعُني قَلبي بِقافِيَةٍ
راحَت تُحَرِّقُ في كَلبٍ وَخِنزيرِ

20. I am the disheveled one whom jinn fear because of my madness,
And enemies cannot sleep because of my poems.

٢٠. أَنّا المُرَعَّثُ يَخشى الجِنُّ بادِهَتي
وَلا يَنامُ الأَعادي مِن مَزاميري

21. I have raised a people though lowly in account,
And I have masked men after uncovering.

٢١. رَفَعتُ قَوماً وَفي أَحسابِهِم ضَعَةٌ
وَقَد كَعَمتُ رِجالاً بَعدَ تَهريرِ

22. One approaching and one retreating, his face frowning
As if it were a piece of dry bread, unbroken.

٢٢. وَمُقبِلٍ مُدبِرٍ في وَجهِهِ ضَخَمٌ
كَأَنَّهُ قُرصُ زادٍ غَيرُ مَكسورِ

23. I undid him with the point of a spear, alone,
Without loved ones, in the blackness of night.

٢٣. عَلَّلتُهُ بِسِنانِ الرُمحِ مَنفَرِداً
دونَ الأَحِبَّةِ في سَوداءِ دَيجورِ

24. O his beauty manifest in the perfection of a full moon
That made the soul soar, nay, that said to it: "Fly!"

٢٤. يا حُسنَهُ مَنظَراً في حُسنِ كامِلَةٍ
طارا عَلى النَفسِ بَل قالا لَها طيري

25. Until when the night parted from him and bid me farewell
With falling tears and a wrap of stars,

٢٥. حِتّى إِذا شُقَّ عَنهُ اللَيلُ وَدَّعَني
بِعَبرَةٍ وَلِثامٍ في التَنانيرِ

26. It was as if, at the whitening of dawn, turning away,
The full moon of the sky flowed into vessels.

٢٦. كَأَنَّهُ في بَياضِ الصُبحِ مُنصَرِفاً
بَدرُ السَماءِ تَمادى في التَماصيرِ