
The joy we feel is not true joy,

ليس النعيم وإن كنا نزن به

1. The joy we feel is not true joy,
It is but the joy of Suhail and Hammad.

١. لَيسَ النَعيمُ وَإِن كُنّا نُزَنُّ بِهِ
إِلّا نَعيمَ سُهَيلٍ ثُمَّ حَمّادِ

2. Living in ignorance, until their hair turned grey,
Oblivious of the Prophet, the merciful guide.

٢. ناكا وَنيكا إِلى أَن حَلَّ شَيبُهُما
في غَفلَةٍ عَن نَبِيِّ الرَحمَةِ الهادي

3. So he guided them for a while, and enlightened them,
As none were guided before them, nor enlightened.

٣. فَهدَينِ طَوراً وَفَهّادَينِ آوِنَةً
ما كانَ قَبلَهُما فَهدٌ بِفَهّادِ

4. Life is only for Hammad, Abu Umar,
Who knew not that his Lord lies in wait for him.

٤. ما العَيشُ إِلّا لِحَمّادٍ أَبي عُمَرٍ
لَم يَدرِ أَنَّ لَهُ رَبّاً بِمِرصادِ