
Let me be, O princess, from secrets

دعيني يا أميرة من سرار

1. Let me be, O princess, from secrets
And from mischief against me and from the path

١. دَعيني يا أَميرَةُ مِن سِرارِ
وَمِن شَغَبٍ عَلَيَّ وَمِن مَسارِ

2. I marched to the tents moving slowly
And the moving of the slow is bracelets

٢. قَطَعتُ إِلى الزِماع دَبيبَ واشٍ
وَإِنَّ عَقارِبَ الواشي سَوارِ

3. Sometimes when I took off my mask
And misfortunes drew me into the open

٣. أَحينَ وَضَعتُ عَن رَأسي قِناعي
وَضَمَّتني الخُطوبُ إِلى الجِهارِ

4. The beautiful women circled around me
Circling around like the circling of the infatuated to the well

٤. وَطافَت بي العَوامِرُ مُجلِباتٍ
طَوافَ المُجلِبينَ إِلى الدُوارِ

5. My tent remains or grows more magnificent
And the return of the slave among the small folk

٥. تَكِلُّ مَضارِبي أَو يَزدَهيني
وَعيدُ العَبدِ في القَومِ الصِغارِ

6. We have favors from the Master and hands
That enter every house of peers

٦. لَنا نِعَمٌ عَلى المَولى وَأَيدٍ
عَلى الأَكفاءِ تَدخُلُ كُلَّ دارِ

7. So I do not worry about the shaking of calamities
And the whiteness of glorious things for the ignorant

٧. فَلا أَنحاشُ مِن هَزِّ العَوالي
وَبيضِ المَشرَفِيَّةِ لِلغِوارِ

8. Al-Bahili has saved us from death
But he did not thank us for the generosity of neighborhood

٨. أَجَرنا الباهِلِيَّ مِنَ المَنايا
فَلَم يَشكُر لَنا كَرَمَ الجوارِ

9. He is arrogant towards us though we favored him
What is Al-Bahili in glory?

٩. يُفاخِرُنا وَنِعمَتُنا عَلَيهِ
وَفيمَ الباهِلِيُّ مِنَ الفَخارِ

10. So strange is the intelligent slave
Does he oppress me while he has no bracelets?

١٠. فَيا عَجَبا مِنَ العَبدِ المُذَكّي
أَيَظلِمُني وَلَيسَ بِذي سِوارِ

11. I say to him that I have a favor over him
Like the favor of the falcon over the hyena

١١. أَقولُ لَهُ وَلي فَضلٌ عَلَيهِ
كَفَضلِ القَسوَرِيِّ عَلى الوِبارِ

12. You mingled with the generous but you are not one of them
Go away O son of a braying she-ass

١٢. دَنَوتَ مَعَ الكِرامِ وَلَستَ مِنهُم
تَأَخَّر يا اِبنَ نائِكَةِ الحِمارِ

13. We were created as chiefs and you were created as a dog
Like the evil dog that follows the caravan

١٣. خُلِقنا سادَةً وَخُلِقتَ كَلباً
كَكَلبِ السوءِ يَلحَقُ بِالقِطارِ

14. You forgot how we defended you from Zuheir
And Ja’da when he attacked with his power

١٤. نَسيتُم دَفعَنا عَنكُم زُهَيراً
وَجَعدَةَ إِذ يَروحُ عَلى اِقتدارِ

15. One evening they marched to the encampment
So one of the great ones defended you

١٥. عَشِيَّةَ يُعوِلونَ إِلى عِقالٍ
فَدافَعَ عَنكُمُ إِحدى الكِبارِ

16. The next morning with his stallions he settled the score
And the spears flashed in the dust

١٦. غَدا بِجيادِهِ فَقَضَينَ نَحباً
وَقَد لَمَعَ الخَوافِقُ في الغُبارِ

17. And Mundelith who challenged us with effort
So I said to him: learn then challenge

١٧. وَمُندَلِثٍ يُمارينا بِجَهدٍ
فَقُلتُ لَهُ تَعَلَّم ثُمَّ مارِ

18. If you deny the lineage of Bahlil
Then lift the side of his loincloth

١٨. إِذا أَنكَرتَ نِسبَةَ باهِلِيٍّ
فَرَفِّع عَنهُ ناحِيَةَ الإِزارِ

19. Upon their chief’s column is a book
Of my Master Amer with a hot brand

١٩. عَلى أَستاهِ سادَتِهِم كِتابٌ
مَوالي عامِرٍ وَسمٌ بِنارِ

20. This is when my affliction presented me
And I frightened the tribes with my ferocity

٢٠. فِهَذا حينَ قَدَّمَني بَلائي
وَرَوَّعتُ القَبائِلَ مِن نِزارِ

21. An age has passed so it handed me over generously
To an age that changes without excuse

٢١. مَضى زَمَنٌ فَأَسلَمَني كَريماً
إِلى زَمَنٍ يَحولُ بِلا عِذارِ

22. Al-Bahili tried to be like me
But how did he try with borrowed glory?

٢٢. سَعى لِيَكونَ مِثلي باهِلِيٌّ
وَكَيفَ سَعى بِمَجدٍ مُستَعارِ

23. He wanted with his villainy to taint my honor
And where is the sun from filth and shame?

٢٣. أَرادَ بِلُؤمِهِ تَدنيسَ عِرضي
وَأَينَ الشَمسُ مِن دَنَسٍ وَعارِ

24. I swear by the slaughtering places of gifts
And I swear by the abode and the heated stones

٢٤. حَلَفتُ بِمَنحَرِ البُدنِ الهَدايا
وَأَحلِفُ بِالمَقامِ وَبِالجِمارِ

25. How good is the Lord, the Lord of Ibn Dukhan
When winter sheds upon the barrens

٢٥. لَنِعمَ الرَبُّ رَبُّ اِبنَي دُخانٍ
إِذا نَفَضَ الشِتاءُ عَلى القُتارِ

26. He is generous to them and melts for them
With swords and abundant provisions

٢٦. يَجودُ عَلَيهِمُ وَيَذُبُّ عَنهُم
بِأَسيافٍ وَأَرزاقٍ غِزارِ

27. O Bahlil, return submissively to your Master
And do not travel by the light of day

٢٧. أَباهِلَ راجِعي مَولاكِ صَغراً
وَلا تَجري عَلى ضَوءِ النَهارِ

28. For every man there is a Lord to worship
And Bahlil the son of A’asur is in loss

٢٨. لَدى كُلِّ اِمرِئٍ نَصَباً بِرَبٍّ
وَباهِلَةُ بنُ أَعصُرَ في خَسارِ

29. Respond to your Lord and be fair to Him
For the slave is most worthy of humility

٢٩. أَجيبوا رَبَّكُم وَتَنَصَّفوهُ
فَإِنَّ العَبدَ أَولى بِالصَغارِ

30. O Bahlil, your situation is not like mine
If you do not fall short while truth is disgraceful

٣٠. أَباهِلَ لَيسَ شَأنُكُمُ كَشَأني
إِذا لَم تُقصِروا وَالحَقُّ عارِ

31. O Bahlil, I did not bestow upon you so recoil
Nor is my Master with borrowed equipment

٣١. أَباهِلَ ما وَهَبتُكُمُ فَتَنأوا
وَلا مَولايَ بِالعِلقِ المُعارِ