
The light of my eyes left my heart broken

نور عيني تركت قلبي جناحا

1. The light of my eyes left my heart broken
The day you left me, it yearned and lamented

١. نورُ عَيني تَرَكتِ قَلبي جَناحا
يَومَ فارَقتِني فَحَنَّ وَناحا

2. I didn't attain the essence of pearls, even if I did
With you I was wealthy, with you I prospered

٢. جَوهَرَ الدُرِّ لَم أَنَلكِ وَلَو نِل
تُكِ كُنتِ الغِنى وَكُنتِ الفَلاحا

3. How could you not remember the messenger between us
As I sit waiting for you, herding the morning

٣. كَيفَ لَم تَذكُري الرَسولَ إِلَينا
وَقُعودي إِلَيكِ أَرعى الصَباحا

4. My heart desires your nearness, but
You don't care for it, refusing consolation

٤. يَشتَهي قُربَكِ الفُؤادُ وَلَكِن
لا تُبالينَهُ وَيَأبى اِنتِصاحا

5. My gaze went to you, with my soul
And love sprouted in my heart, thriving

٥. ذَهَبَت نَظرَتي إِلَيكِ بِنَفسي
وَنَمى الحُبُّ عَن فُؤادي فَباحا

6. The day I shed to you tears of separation
I was determined to depart

٦. يَومَ أُذري إِلَيكِ مِن حَذَرِ الفُر
قَةِ دَمعي وَقَد عَزَمتُ الرَواحا

7. The light of my eyes - if I had any blame from you
I would be healed of my wounds

٧. نورُ عَيني لَو كانَ لي مِنكِ في السِت
رِ لَعيبٌ شَفَيتُ مِنّي قَراحا

8. My eyes surrendered me to you, and said
If only you could find solace in patience from me

٨. أَسلَمَتني عَيني إِلَيكِ وَقالَت
لَو تَعَزّى بِالصَبرِ عَنكِ اِستَراحا

9. Of those who complain of your distance from me
And my longing, I have been utterly disgraced

٩. وَمِنَ المُشتَكى سُلُوُّكِ عَنّي
وَاِشتِياقي قَد اِفتَضَحتُ اِفتِضاحا