
O woe to Hammad, from a single glance

يا ويح حماد أمن نظرة

1. O woe to Hammad, from a single glance
He became a captive, though unwounded.

١. يا وَيحَ حَمّادٍ أَمِن نَظرَةٍ
راحَ أَسيراً غَيرَ مَجنوبِ

2. By Allah, nothing but the sorcerer's eye
Had overwhelmed his heart and confounded.

٢. لِلَّهِ ما رانَ عَلى قَلبِهِ
مِن ساحِرِ المُقلَةِ مَشبوبِ

3. As if Harut himself one day transgressed
And rolled his eyes, practicing his art.

٣. كَأَنَّهُ هاروتُ يَومَ اِغتَدى
يُديرُ عَينَيهِ بِتَقليبِ

4. He sang so sweetly with a delicate voice
Swaying in silk and scent - a beauty's part.

٤. أَغَنَّ أَحوى لانَ في رِقَّةٍ
يَختالُ في الخَزِّ وَفي الطيبِ

5. To Hammad he appeared and showed to him
A task unlike medicine and wine.

٥. بَدا لِحَمّادٍ فَأَبدى لَهُ
شُغلاً عَنِ الدِرياقِ وَالكوبِ

6. The glance of the Nabatean's eye drove
To his doom, a glance from eyes divine.

٦. قادَ النَباطِيَّ إِلى حَتفِهِ
نَظرَةُ عَينٍ شَطرَ مَحبوبِ

7. When he saw what pleased him, approving it,
He inclined to him, not berating.

٧. لَمّا رَأى ما عِندَهُ مُعجِباً
حَنَّ إِلَيهِ غَيرَ تَعييبِ

8. Wandering aimlessly, passionately
Opposite cheeks of softness correlating.

٨. يَهذى بِخَشفٍ مُؤنِقٍ مُشرِقٍ
مُقابَلِ الجَدَّينِ مَنسوبِ

9. Stealing the heart with his knitting
Of it, and greed and gathering.

٩. يَختَلِسُ القَلبَ بِإِبرامِهِ
مِنهُ وَإِطماعٍ وَتَجنيبِ

10. Perfect creation, sweet of disposition
With hair like grapes, so appealing.

١٠. مُبَتَّلُ الخَلقِ هَضيمُ الحَشا
ذو شَعَرٍ كَالكَرمِ غِربيبِ

11. An elegant creature not seen before
By any eye, in perfection flowering.

١١. أَمرَدُ كَالمَأثورِ حينَ اِستَوى
لَم تَرَهُ عَينٌ عَلى حوبِ

12. He walks with a graceful and measured gait
Made up precisely and aptly.

١٢. يَمشي إِذا راحَ بِرَمّاغَةٍ
لَجَّت بِإِصعادٍ وَتَصويبِ

13. A jewel in the beauty of chastity
Taken to hunt forbidden trapping.

١٣. وَخِصيَةٍ في حُسنِ ياقوتَةٍ
سيقَت إِلى أَصيَدَ مَحجوبِ

14. Hammad says when he is apart
"O Lord, relieve the distress of the troubled."

١٤. يَقولُ حَمّادٌ إِذا ما نَأى
يا رَبِّ فَرِّج كَربَ مَكروبِ

15. You have burdened me with desire and distanced me
Is this how a Lord treats the devoted?

١٥. حَمَّلتَني الشَوقَ وَباعَدتَني
ما هَكَذا الرَبُّ لِمَربوبِ

16. I accept your tryst, my Master
If it is not an impossible meeting.

١٦. رَضيتُ ميعادَكَ يا سَيِّدي
إِن لَم يَكُن ميعادَ عُرقوبِ