1. Tomorrow Malik will blame me
For my worries throughout the night
١. غَدا مالِكٌ بِمَلاماتِهِ
عَلَيَّ وَما باتَ مِن بالِيَه
2. He embraced a tender, youthful beauty
A highly distinguished Houri
٢. تَناوَلَ خَوداً هَضيمَ الحَشا
مِنَ الحورِ مَحظوظَةً عالِيَه
3. I said, "Spare me your blame for loving her"
Before you, I exhausted my blamers
٣. فَقُلتُ دَعِ اللَومَ في حُبِّها
فَقَبلَكَ أَعيَيتُ عُذّالِيَه
4. And indeed, I conceal her secret
After the old women tell their tales
٤. وَإِنّي لَأَكتُمُهُم سِرَّها
غَداةَ تَقولُ لَها الخالِيَه
5. Ubaydah, Malik's prisoner
You were once distinguished yourself
٥. عُبَيدَةُ مالَكِ مَسلوبَةً
وَكُنتِ مُقَرطَقَةً حالِيَه
6. She said, with her neck in chains, "I
Pawned my anklets for freedom one day
٦. فَقالَت عَلى رُقبَةٍ إِنَّني
رَهَنتُ المُرعَّثَ خَلخالِيَه
7. I will fulfill that promise
Even if people question my affairs"
٧. بِمَجلِسِ يَومٍ سَأوفي بِهِ
وَلَو أَجلَبَ الناسُ أَحوالِيَه