
The distressed one reached the point of ruin

بلغ المرعث في الرحيل

1. The distressed one reached the point of ruin
Seeking relief from the wailing women

١. بَلَغَ المُرَعَّثَ في الرَحي
لِ خَرائِدٌ مِنهُنَّ نَحبُه

2. His hands grew weary of textiles
As his companions tightened their belts

٢. فَجَفَت يَداهُ عَنِ النُسو
عِ وَشَدَّ بِالأَنساعِ صَحبُه

3. And both were diverted from his supplies
By tears that soak the bosom when poured

٣. وَثَناهُما عَن رَحلِهِ
دَمعٌ يَبُلُّ الجَيبَ سَكبُه

4. And the moaning of the bereaved dove
Whose love nested with loved ones in its heart

٤. وَنَحيبُ مَطروفِ الفُؤا
دِ ثَوى مَعَ الأَحبابِ لُبُّه

5. For tears flow down the cheeks
When they well up and overflow

٥. فَالدَمعُ مُنحَدِرُ النِظا
مِ إِذا تَرَقرَقَ فاضَ غَربُه

6. And the scorpions of love
Which hide from obsessive thoughts in his heart

٦. وَعَقارِبُ الحُبِّ الَّذي
يُخفي مِنَ الوَسواسِ قَلبُه

7. When he wants sleep, insomnia
Harasses him and worries rob him

٧. فَإِذا أَرادَ النَومَ أَر
رَقَهُ وَساوِسُ تَستَهِبُّه

8. Of thoughts of one who shared the abode
So his affliction with that is enough for him

٨. مِن ذِكرِ مَن تَبَلَ الفُؤا
دَ فَحَسبُهُ مِن ذاكَ حَسبُه

9. The veil dropped when he left
As his intestines and heart departed

٩. سَقَطَ النِقابُ فَراقَني
إِذ راحَ قُرطاهُ وَقُلبُه

10. And one indicating the sweet
Taste of saliva on the gums

١٠. وَمُؤَشَّرٌ أَلمى اللِثا
تِ شَهِيُّ طَعمِ الريقِ عَذبُه

11. I loved him though attaining
Union is for one who tends and cultivates it

١١. أَحبِب إِلَيَّ بِهِ وَإِن
كانَ الوِصالُ لِمَن يَرُبُّه

12. Of one who charms with grace
Who refused to wink for love of you

١٢. مِن نازِحٍ حَسَنِ الدَلا
لِ أَبى لَكَ التَغميضَ حُبُّه

13. Passion threw him down though
If he drew near your lips his closeness would heal

١٣. شَحَطَ المَزارُ بِهِ وَلَو
يَدنو إِلَيكَ شَفاكَ قُربُه

14. You denied your life after him
And time narrowed around you

١٤. أَنكَرتَ عَيشَكَ بَعدَهُ
وَالدَهرُ ضاقَ عَلَيكَ رَحبُه

15. Such is your time for a lover
It passes when his rebellion subsides

١٥. وَكَذاكَ دَهرُكَ لِلمُحِب
بِ يَروحُ إِذ لَم يَغدُ شَغبُه

16. You loved him and affection
Turned to another he loves

١٦. أَحبَبتَهُ وَنَأى بِهِ
وِدٌّ لآخَرَ يُحِبُّه

17. And of wonders is
That he was of a different tribe

١٧. وَمِنَ العَجائِبِ أَنَّهُ
في غَيرِ شِعبِكَ كانَ شِعبُه

18. The seducer of a people who led me
Away from the one whose dog I loved

١٨. وَغَوِيِّ قَومٍ هَرَّني
دونَ الَّذي أَحبَبتُ كَلبُه

19. So I pardoned him perhaps
He will humble his mighty pride

١٩. فَصَفَحتُ عَنهُ لَعَلَّهُ
فيما أُريدُ يَذِلُّ صَعبُه

20. The brother of women is a deceiver
One day when his drinking does not inebriate

٢٠. وَأَخو النِساءِ مُوارِبٌ
يَوماً إِذا لَم يَصفُ شِربُه

21. Ask her whom you loved
If that was the battle of his war

٢١. وَسَلِ الَّتي أَحبَبتَها
إِن كانَ ذاكَ عَراكُ حَربُه

22. What do you command of a lover
Whose doctor despaired of him and his cure

٢٢. ما تَأمُرينَ بِعاشِقٍ
عَيَّ الطَبيبُ بِهِ وَطِبُّه

23. He died or is dying
If his Lord does not restore him to health

٢٣. قَد ماتَ أَو هُوَ مَيِّتٌ
إِن لَم يُعافِ اللَهُ رَبُّه

24. Ubaydah robbed his heart
Is its confiscation permitted in Islam?

٢٤. غَصَبَت عُبَيدَةُ قَلبَهُ
أَيَحِلُّ في الإِسلامِ غَصبُه

25. A pouring out to her - if only
A message or absence from her would come to him

٢٥. صَبٌّ إِلَيها لَو تَني
مِنها الرِسالَةُ أَو تُغِبُّه

26. It would become his death
Or he would die or his sorrows grow

٢٦. لَغَدَت عَلَيهِ مَنِيَّةٌ
وَلَماتَ أَو لاَزدادَ كَربُه