1. Listen Khulayd, you are eternity
What the passionate worshipper says is right
١. اِسمَعي يا خُلَيدَ أَنتِ الخُلودُ
ما يَقولُ المُتَيَّمُ المَعمودُ
2. If you turn away from me, I am not innocent
My sleep is restless until barriers fall
٢. إِن تَصُدّي عَنّي فَلَستُ بِراءٍ
وَجهَ نَومي حَتّى يَموتَ الصُدودُ
3. If who called me from passion called you
I would want you to reciprocate as I wish
٣. لَو دَعاكِ الَّذي دَعاني مِنَ الشَو
قِ فُواقاً أَرَدتِ بي ما أُريدُ
4. Come close Khulayd, I am affectionate
And rightfully intimate with you, o intimate one
٤. قَرِّبيني خُلَيدَ إِنّي وَدودٌ
وَحَقيقٌ بِالقُربِ مِنكِ الوَدودُ
5. Do not wish for your brother in the path of love
An affliction whose cure is lost
٥. لا تُمَنّي أَخاكِ في مِلَّةِ الحُب
بِ بِداءٍ دَواؤُهُ مَفقودُ
6. I cannot bear it or know a life
And I have an incessant affliction
٦. لا أُعَفّي بِهِ وَلا أَعرِفُ العَي
شَ وَعِندي بَلِيَّةٌ لا تَبيدُ
7. Oh my affliction you have lasted until even if
I were iron, that iron would melt
٧. يا بَلائي قَد طُلتَ حَتّى لَوَ اَنّي
مِن حَديدٍ لَذابَ ذاكَ الحَديدُ
8. How much suppressed tears and sighs
I have contained and still do not have enough
٨. كَم جَوى عَبرَةٍ وَزَفرَةِ عَينٍ
قَد تَضَمَّنتُها فَما أَستَزيدُ
9. It is enough for my soul what it has for her sake
I am in misery and love is renewed severity
٩. حَسبُ نَفسي مِن حُبِّها ما بِنَفسي
أَنا بالٍ وَالحُبُّ غَضٌّ جَديدُ
10. I did not fail the virgins until
I was touched by Ubaydah's coquetry
١٠. لَم أُقَصِّر عَنِ الأَوانِسِ حَتّى
مَسَّني مِن عُبَيدَةَ التَسهيدُ
11. Far from me is what I have of her and far is the attainment
With her, indeed with her there is frigidity
١١. جَلَّ ما بي مِنها وَما جَلَّ نَيلٌ
عِندَها إِنَّها عَلَيها جُمودُ
12. What is more exalted than that my heart
Does not awaken or see her generosity
١٢. أَيُّ شَيءٍ أَجَلُّ مِن أَنَّ قَلبي
لَيسَ يَصحو وَلا أَراها تَجودُ
13. She has shackled me from every female whose
Passion transgresses, and her passion is my shackles
١٣. قَيَّدَتني عَن كُلِّ أُنثى تَعَدّى
بِهَواها وَمِن هَواها قُيودُ
14. O you who blame me, I have done no wrong
God bears witness, and the three witnesses
١٤. أَيُّها اللائِمي وَلَم آتِ بَأساً
يَشهَدُ اللَهُ وَالثَلاثُ الشُهودُ
15. My heart has disobeyed me toward she who disobeyed it
So passion has benefited while it does not benefit
١٥. قَد عَصاني قَلبي إِلى مَن عَصاهُ
فَاِستَفادَ الهَوى وَما يَستَفيدُ
16. My heart has openly led me to misery
And my heart activates that repetition
١٦. قادَني لِلشَقاءِ جَهراً فُؤادي
وَفُؤادي فَعّالُ تِلكَ المُعيدُ
17. Oh my soul, beware the flirtation of a girl
My worries departed and rigidity eased from me
١٧. وَيحَ نَفسي أَمِن دَلالِ فَتاةٍ
راحَ هَمّي وَخَفَّ عَنّي الهُجودُ
18. May God not tend to one who blames a lover
For his passion, nor quench him with rain
١٨. لا رَعى اللَهُ مَن يَلومُ مُحِبّاً
في هَواهُ وَلا سَقَتهُ الرُعودُ
19. Live for a little while with her successors
Her honest, frozen successors will meet you
١٩. عِش بِأَخلافِها قَليلاً سَتَلقا
كَ بِأَخلافِها الصَفاةُ الصَلودُ
20. She does not seduce a lover, nor is seduced
So why does the envious cry?
٢٠. هِيَ لا تَجتَدي مُحِبّاً وَلا تُج
دي عَليهِ فَفيمَ يَبكي الحَسودُ
21. I have scorned her, for one humiliated is not generous
I wonder, are they all stingy
٢١. قَد تَبَرَّضتُها فَغَيرَ جَوادٍ
بِهَوانٍ يَأوي بِهِ مَجهودُ
22. Or are some of them generous?
But passion seizes men, though
٢٢. لَيتَ شِعري أَكُلُّهُنَّ بَخيلٌ
مِثلَ ما قَد يَكونُ أَم هُنَّ جودُ
23. My vigor slept and rigor does not sleep
Perhaps I have called one proud with vanity
٢٣. بَل يَنالُ الهَوى رِجالٌ وَلَكِن
نامَ جَدّي وَلا تَنامُ الجُدودُ
24. And her breaths and smoothness called me
That was when my access to them was pardoned
٢٤. رُبَّما قَد دَعَوتُ بِاللَهوِ خَوداً
وَدَعَتني أَنفاسُها وَالجُلودُ
25. And my bliss was close, my life simple
Then my fortune changed toward the immoralities
٢٥. ذاكَ إِذ مَدخلي عَلَيهِنَّ عَفوٌ
وَنَعيمي دانٍ وَعَيشي خَريدُ
26. Everything returns to decay
٢٦. ثُمَّ بُدِّلتُ صَفحَتي لِلغَواني
كُلُّ شَيءٍ إِلى بِلىً مَردودُ