1. I am amazed by people who launched the arrow of their deceit,
Yet all the lessons of those who passed did not benefit them.
١. عجبتُ لقومٍ أطلقوا سهمَ مكرِهم
ولمْ تُغنِهم ممَّن مَضَوْا كلُّ عِبرةِ
2. Every morrow, they fawn on those among them with their afflictions,
To extinguish a light or ignite strife.
٢. يداهنُ منهم كلُّ وَغْدٍ بلُؤْمِه
لإطفاءِ نورٍ أو لإشعالِ فتنةِ
3. Saalih strove - may Allah not make his effort successful -
To deny a right from the Book and Sunnah.
٣. سعَى (صالحٌ) لا أصلَحَ اللهُ سعيَه
لإنكارِ حقٍّ مِن كتابٍ وسُنَّةِ
4. So before long, death will meet him beyond which
He will be in humiliation and disgrace.
٤. فعمَّا قريبٍ يلتقي الموتَ دونها
ويصبحُ منها في هوانٍ وذِلَّةِ
5. Upon you is what you deserve from the Most Merciful,
And you have gotten increased punishment and wretchedness.
٥. عليكَ من الرحمن ما تستحقُّه
ونلتَ مزيدًا مِن عذابٍ وشِقْوَةِ
6. You follow inspiration from the devils of a faction
Led astray by Iblis in every place.
٦. تَتَبَّعُ وحيًا مِن شياطينِ عصبةٍ
أضلَّهمُ إبليسُ في كلِّ بقعةِ
7. And they were certain that the God provides for them,
And they knew that was only for a reason.
٧. وقد أيقنوا أنَّ الإله مُمِدُّهم
وقد علموا ما ذاك إلا لِعِلَّةِ
8. Yet they did not value the Lord of the wilderness as is His right,
Nor recognized the merit of the Prophet for a moment.
٨. فما قَدَرُوا رَبَّ البرِيَّةِ حقَّه
ولا عرَفوا فَضْلَ النبيِّ لِلَحظةِ
9. Whoever lives distracted from remembering Allah,
Satan will be his companion to slip him into mischief.
٩. ومَن يَعْشُ عن ذِكر الإله يكنْ له
قرينٌ من الشيطان يُدْلي بخطَّةِ
10. The noble Sunnah is only by His revelation,
And righteousness cannot be attained except with determination.
١٠. فما السُّنَّةُ الغرَّاءُ إلا بوحيِه
وليس يُنالُ البرُّ إلا بهمَّةِ
11. Their ignorance and hypocrisy is enough from them,
And surely all darkness dissipates in the light.
١١. وحسبُكَ منهم جهْلُهم ونفاقُهم
وفي النُّور حتمًا تنجلي كلُّ ظُلْمَةِ
12. How many corrupted people have immersed in the sea of misguidance,
And how every wicked nature roamed astray!
١٢. فكم لجَّ في بحر الضلالة مفسدٌ
وكم هامَ بالتضليل كلُّ جِبِلَّةِ
13. They have ignited for evil a fire whose flames
Will burn them in disbelief at every kindling.
١٣. وقد أوقدوا للشرِّ نارًا لهيبُها
سيحرِقُهم بالكفر في كلِّ وَقْدَةِ
14. They have not tread a single step in the path of truth,
Nor were sincere to Allah one day with intention.
١٤. وما سلكوا في مسلكِ الحقِّ خطوةً
ولا أخلصوا لله يومًا بِنِيَّةِ
15. They let out cries of rebellion which corrupted souls followed,
Spreading every nonsense and falsehood.
١٥. وهم أطلقوا صيْحاتِ بغيٍ مضتْ بها
ضمائرُ سوءٍ تفتري كلَّ فِريةِ
16. Whoever Allah guides will succeed by His grace,
And whoever Satan humiliates will return in sorrow.
١٦. ومَن يَهْدِهِ الرحمنُ يظفَرْ بفضلِه
ومَن يُخْزِهِ الشيطانُ يرجعْ بحسـرةِ
17. Do you deny the guidance of the Prophet and his narration,
And rave with a claim that severs affection?
١٧. أتنكِرُ مِن هَدْيِ النبيِّ حديثَه
وتَهذي بِزعمٍ قاطعٍ للمودَّةِ
18. For who made clear the verses by revelation of his Lord,
And who arose removing all doubt and suspicion?
١٨. فَمَنْ بيَّن الآياتِ مِن وحيِ ربِّه
ومَن قام يجلو كلَّ شكٍّ ورِيبةِ
19. Are you not ordered to obey his command
From Allah? So beware all deviation and returning.
١٩. ألستَ بمأمورٍ بطاعة أمرِه
مِنَ اللهِ فاحذر كلَّ حَيْدٍ ورِدَّةِ
20. Say to the Messenger of Allah, "Hearing and obedience,"
And leave this deviation to gain mercy.
٢٠. وقلْ لرسولِ اللهِ سمعًا وطاعةً
ودَعْ عنكَ هذا الزَّيْغَ تظفَرْ برحمةِ
21. Indeed, in the past there used to be insight
For whoever sought war against the truth from every faith.
٢١. لقد كان في الماضين قبلُ بصائرٌ
لمن رامَ حربَ الحقِّ مِن كلِّ مِلَّةِ
22. The way of the Most Merciful passed judgement on them and they perished
While argument after argument had existed among them.
٢٢. مضتْ سُنَّةُ الرحمن فيهم فأُهلِكوا
وقد كان فيهم حُجَّةٌ بعد حُجَّةِ
23. If you deny the guidance of the Prophet, then verily
It is denial of the Qur'an from every perspective.
٢٣. فإنْ تُنكِروا هَدْيَ النبيِّ فإنما
هو النُّكْرُ للقرآن مِن كلِّ وجْهةِ
24. We called you to the truth and the truth is clear,
And there is no darkness beyond the light.
٢٤. دعوناكُمُ للحقِّ والحقُّ واضحٌ
وليس وراءَ النُّورِ غيرُ الدُّجُنَّةِ