
I submit my face to He who

فاصبر لربك

1. I submit my face to He who
Created all creatures from nonexistence

١. أسلمتُ وجهي للذي
فطرَ الخلائقَ مِن عَدَمْ

2. Glory be to your Lord, indeed He
If He says "Be" to a thing, it becomes

٢. سبحانَ ربِّكَ إنَّه
لو قال كُنْ للشيءِ تَمّْ

3. So praise be to Allah who
In His judgement is the most perfect

٣. فالحمدُ للهِ الذي
في حُكمِه الفصلُ الأتَمّْ

4. He who is not pleased with Him
For him is disgrace and regret

٤. مَن كان لا يَرضَى به
فلَهُ المهانةُ والنَّدَمْ

5. If you knew an escape
From His judgement then look for it

٥. لو كنتَ تعلمُ مهربًا
مِن حُكمِه فانظُرْه ثَمّْ

6. So be patient for your Lord, indeed He
Will bring the greatest good

٦. فاصبِرْ لربِّكَ إنَّه
سيجودُ بالخيرِ الأعَمّْ

7. And humiliate every hypocrite
Who indulged in praise and blame

٧. ويَذِلُّ كلُّ منافقٍ
قد خاض في مدحٍ وذَمّْ

8. And know that the matter is alive
Wherever your Lord willed and completed

٨. واعلَمْ بأنَّ الأمرَ حيـ
ـثُ أرادَ ربُّكَ واستَتَمّْ

9. Your Lord was not unaware
Or leaving one who wronged

٩. ما كان ربُّكَ غافلًا
أو كان يَتركُ مَن ظَلَمْ

10. But it was a decree that flowed
And passed with what the pen wrote

١٠. لكنَّه قَدَرٌ جرَى
ومضَى بما خَطَّ القَلَمْ

11. So your Lord may distinguish who strayed
And who was steadfast and who faltered

١١. ليَمِيزَ ربُّكَ مَن غوَى
ومَنِ استقامَ ومَن ألمّْ

12. In life are signs that have passed
And signs that come and go!!

١٢. في الدَّهرِ آياتٌ مضتْ
وتَجِيءُ آياتٌ وكَمْ!!

13. The sinners do not learn from them
Except repetition and nonsense

١٣. لا يَعبُرُ الفُسَّاقُ منـ
ـها غيرَ ترديدٍ وطَمّْ