
Your caller called you from the darkness of longing,

سدرة المنتهى

1. Your caller called you from the darkness of longing,
So the heart sometimes conceals it and sometimes reveals it.

١. دعاكَ مِن غُلَّةِ الأشواقِ داعيها
فالقلبُ يكتمُها حينًا ويُبديها

2. And you wept, shedding the tears of the eyes in fear,
And you spent the night counting the stars.

٢. وقمتَ تَسفَحُ دمْعَ العينِ في وجَلٍ
وبِتَّ تحتَ نجومِ الليلِ تُحصيها

3. I sent my poetry, verses adorned,
And I stayed up weaving whatever its rhymes poured out.

٣. أرسلتُ شِعريَ أبياتًا منمَّقةً
وبتُّ أنسجُ ما جادت قوافيها

4. What do my poems offer to the one for whom I stood
Perplexed in describing its sweetest meanings?

٤. ماذا تقدِّمُ أشعاري لِمَنْ وقفتْ
تَحارُ في وصفِه أحلَى معانيها

5. Or what do I inscribe in it after the verses descended
Of your Lord, reciting them with glorification?

٥. أمْ ما أسطِّرُ فيه بعدما نزلتْ
آياتُ ربِّكَ بالتعظيمِ نتلوها

6. O master of the two weights, my thirst intensified for me
And hopes tortured the self with their wishes.

٦. يا سيِّدَ الثَّقَلَيْنِ اشتدَّ بي ظَمَئِي
وعذَّبَ النفسَ آمالٌ أمنِّيها

7. Do I have a drink from your pond, its fresh water?
For the one who reaches your pond has succeeded, and you are its drawer.

٧. هل لي بِحَوضِكَ أُسقَى عذبَ موردِه
قد فاز واردُ حوضٍ أنتَ ساقيها

8. When I saw you in my dream giving me good tidings,
I congratulated myself, for my wishes had come true.

٨. لمَّا رأيتُكَ في نومي تبشِّرُني
هنَّأتُ نفسي وقد وافتْ أمانيها

9. And I said, patience for myself after hearing
That all that is written will come to pass.

٩. وقلتُ صبرًا لنفسي بعدَ ما سمعتْ
فكلُّ ما هو مكتوبٌ سيأتيها

10. O mercy from your Lord the Merciful, He sent it
So one who hoped for it followed it.

١٠. يا رحمةً ربُّكَ الرحمنُ أرسلَها
فقام يتْبَعُها مَن كان يرجوها

11. And an invitation from the friend of Allah, he unleashed it
Honor its seeker, glorify its giver.

١١. ودعوةً مِن خليلِ اللهِ أطلَقَها
أكرِمْ بِسائلِها أعظِمْ بِمُعطيها

12. The day shone through you, enlightening
Whoever sets out hoping for the path of truth.

١٢. بكَ النهارُ تجلَّى يستضيءُ به
مَن قام يرجو سبيلَ الحقِّ يَحْدوها

13. In an instance, history witnessed its splendor
So he bowed down in gratitude in its environs.

١٣. في لحظةٍ شَهِدَ التَّاريخُ رَوعتَها
فقام يسجدُ شكرًا في نواحيها

14. And the earth revealed the beauty of its adornment
Awaiting the mercy of a Lord whom you guide.

١٤. والأرضُ قد كشفتْ عن حُسنِ زِينتِها
تَؤُمُّ رحمةَ ربٍّ أنتَ مُهدِيها

15. And the creatures bow down in the dress of gratitude
To Allah, your Lord, and hopes spur them on.

١٥. والكائناتُ بِثَوبِ الشُّكرِ ساجدةٌ
للهِ ربِّكَ والآمالُ تَحْدوها

16. And the birds in its atmosphere sing a song
Whose rhythm is praise, and glorification follows.

١٦. والطَّيرُ في جوِّها تشدو بأغنِيَةٍ
إيقاعُها الحمدُ، والتَّسبيحُ تاليها

17. And the beasts frolic in the wilderness assured
That He who originated the cosmos will suffice them.

١٧. والوحشُ تمرحُ في البيداءِ مُوقِنةً
أنَّ الذي فطرَ الأكوانَ كافيها

18. And you are above the noble prophets to them
An imam of truth guiding to the virtues.

١٨. وأنتَ فوق النَّبِيِّينَ الكرامِ لهم
إمامُ صدقٍ إلى الخيراتِ تَهديها

19. They put you forward by Allah's command when they knew
That you are the seal, the sent blend.

١٩. هُم قدَّموكَ بأمرِ اللهِ إذْ علِموا
بأنَّكَ الخاتَمُ المبعوثُ مُزْجيها

20. And where is the like of you that the guides are comforted by
When he disrobes for the Merciful, calling him?

٢٠. وأينَ مِثلُكَ تأتمُّ الهداةُ به
إذَا تجرَّدَ للرحمنِ داعيها

21. So you precede every purpose of good
And you recite every verse of glory.

٢١. فكلُّ غايةِ خيرٍ أنتَ سابِقُها
وكلُّ آيةِ مجدٍ أنتَ قارِيها

22. The Lord of the wilderness blinded their visions when
They plotted betrayal against him, and their efforts failed.

٢٢. أعمَى بصائرَهم ربُّ البريَّةِ إذْ
رامُوا به غُدرةً خابتْ مساعيها

23. They did not deny you, but the guidance they rejected
Thus the envious malign the virtuous.

٢٣. ما كذَّبوكَ ولكنْ بالهُدَى جحَدوا
كذاك يحجَدُ أهلَ الفضلِ باغيها

24. The palm tree leaned, and the sheep was milked
And the pebbles glorified in the name of their Hewer.

٢٤. الجِذعُ حنَّ وهذِي الشاةُ قد حلبتْ
وسبَّحتْ حَصَيَاتٌ باسمِ ناشِيها

25. And the jinn were certain that destiny came to pass
With the greatest matter, so their towering ambitions collapsed.

٢٥. والجِنُّ قد أيقنتْ أنَّ القضاءَ جرَى
بِأعظَمِ الأمرِ فانهدَّتْ مَراقيها

26. They came to you listening to what they heard
Of your Lord's revelation, the Pardoner, the Guide.

٢٦. جاءتكَ مُنصتةً تُصغي لِمَا استمعتْ
مِن وحيِ ربِّكَ ذي الغفرانِ هاديها

27. Had the Creator not created the cosmos because of you
Glory be to your Lord, the Lord of the Throne, the Enumerator.

٢٧. لولاكَ ما خلقَ الأكوانَ خالِقُها
سبحانَ ربِّكَ ربِّ العرشِ مُحصيها

28. And in the testimony the name of Allah is connected
Glorify through it the greatest blessing its Giver conferred.

٢٨. وفِي الشهادةِ باسمِ اللهِ مقترنٌ
أعظِمْ بها نعمةً قد جَلَّ مُعطيها

29. And your chest was split open for elevation and purification
For you are the purest and most righteous of those who attain it.

٢٩. وشَقَّ صدرَكَ إعلاءً وتَزكِيَةً
فأنتَ أنقَى وأتقَى مَن يوافيها

30. And you are the purest in lineage in its shadow
And you are the most generous of those who walk upon its earth.

٣٠. وأنتَ أطهرُ مَن في ظِلِّها نَسَبًا
وأنتَ أكرَمُ مَن يمشي بأرْضيها

31. And He protected you from the evil of what souls aspire to
For you do not aspire to anything that corrupts it.

٣١. وقاكَ مِن شرِّ ما تصبو النفوسُ له
فلستَ تصبو إلى شيءٍ يرَدِّيها

32. That cloud, when it came shading him
Knew that this is the best of those in it.

٣٢. تلك السحابةُ إذْ جاءتْ تظلِّلُه
قد أيقنتْ أنَّ هذا خيرُ مَن فيها

33. Through him the fortresses of glory altogether flourish
And the honors through him complete their purposes.

٣٣. إليه تُنمَى حصونُ المجدِ أجمعُها
والمَكرُماتُ به تمَّتْ معانيها

34. Glory be to your Lord, who took you by night in a journey
So you traveled in a night in which history hurried after you.

٣٤. سبحانَ ربِّكَ مَن أسرَى به فسَرَى
في ليلةٍ وقفَ التاريخُ يَقْفُوها

35. And you reached the Lote Tree of the Terminus, attained its limit
While none of them has the audacity to aspire to it but you.

٣٥. وسِدرةُ المنتهَى بُلِّغتَ غايتَها
وما لِغيرِكَ منهم أنْ يُرَجِّيها

36. They knew you are not harsh among people
Nor angry when its calamities overflow.

٣٦. لا أنتَ بالفَظِّ بينَ الناسِ قد علِموا
ولا الغليظِ إذا فاضتْ مآقيها

37. And you do not get angry except for him whose
Favors were so great, and all creation knows them.

٣٧. ولستَ تَغضبُ إلَّا للذي عظُمتْ
آلاؤُه فجميعُ الخَلقِ تَدرِيها

38. You saved a people nearing an evil ending
And you stood for the people in Allah's name, guiding them.

٣٨. أنقذتَ قومًا دَنَوا مِن سُوءِ خاتمةٍ
وقُمتَ للناسِ باسمِ اللهِ تَهديها

39. You erased from them the darkness of ignorance, so they turned
With a blessing from the Giving of Allah, benefiting them.

٣٩. محوتَ عنهم ظلامَ الجهلِ فانقلَبوا
بِنعمةٍ مِن عطاءِ اللهِ يُسديها

40. And Allah chose you unlettered, teaching them,
Having not read from books or been a reader.

٤٠. واختاره اللهُ أمِّيًّا يعلِّمُهم
لَمْ يَتلُ مِن كُتبٍ أو كان قارِيها

41. And the rain poured among them after they despaired
Until the valley sought refuge from devils.

٤١. والغيثُ يَهطلُ فيهم بعدما قَنَطُوا
حتى استجارَ مِن الأشطانِ واديها

42. And water gushed from your fingers, pure
So it stood witnessing its far and near.

٤٢. والماءُ مِن أصبُعَيْهِ فاض مُنبجسًا
فقام يَشهدُ قاصِيها ودانِيها

43. O son of the most virtuous ancestry, from loin to womb
The Merciful adorned it with purity, protecting it.

٤٣. يا بْنَ العواتكِ مِن صُلبٍ إلى رَحِمٍ
بالطُّهرِ زيَّنها الرحمنُ حاميها

44. Through you the sun of peace rose
After the deviation of rebellion had almost extinguished it.

٤٤. أنتَ الذي أشرقتْ شمسُ السلامِ به
مِن بعدِ أنْ كاد زَيغُ البغيِ يُطفيها

45. You established a just state, you are its leader
And Allah guides to it whoever attains it.

٤٥. أقمتَ دولةَ عدلٍ أنتَ قائدُها
واللهُ هادٍ إليها مَن يوافيها

46. And the matter is consultation, and the eye of Allah watches
And you are the best guide when we follow it.

٤٦. والأمرُ شُورَى وعينُ اللهِ راصدةٌ
وأنتَ خيرُ دليلٍ حين نَقْفوها

47. You are salvation for he whose ship strayed
When he clung to the name of Allah, guiding it.

٤٧. أنتَ النَّجاةُ لِمَنْ ضلَّتْ سفينتُه
إذا تشبَّثَ باسمِ اللهِ حاديها

48. And you are a shield on the day of turmoil that the knights
Of the people take refuge in when calamities afflict them.

٤٨. وأنتَ يومَ الوغَى دِرعٌ تلُوذُ بها
فوارسُ القومِ حين الخَطبُ يُشقيها

49. You are the cure for a soul possessed by illness
And sin almost destroyed and corrupted it.

٤٩. أنتَ الشِّفاءُ لِنفسٍ غالَها سَقَمٌ
وكاد يُهلِكُها جُرمٌ ويُردِيها

50. You extended your pardon on the day of victory, powerful
Though had you willed, killing would have swept those in it.

٥٠. بَسطتَ عفوكَ يومَ الفتحِ مُقتدرًا
ولو أردتَ لَعَمَّ القتلُ مَن فيها

51. But you refused anything but benevolence accompanying him
An outpouring of pardon and forgiveness satisfying it.

٥١. لكنْ أبيتَ سِوى الإحسانِ يصحبُه
فيضٌ مِن العفوِ والغفرانِ يُرضيها

52. You are merciful to them after what they did
And if you willed, they would have languished in its distant places.

٥٢. أنتَ الرحيمُ بهِم بعدَ الذي صنعوا
ولو تشاءُ لَذَلُّوا في أقاصيها

53. After this, do people scheme any trait?
And who but you adorned its towering heights?

٥٣. هلْ بعدَ هذا يرُومُ الناسُ مِن خُلُقٍ
وهلْ سِواكَ به ازدانتْ مَرافيها

54. You are the intercessor when all are busy
With themselves, and the people's preoccupations distract them.

٥٤. أنتَ المشفَّعُ حينَ الكلُّ منشغلٌ
بنفسِه ودواعي الناسِ تُلْهيها

55. The God of mankind blessed you whenever
A sun rose and a guide traversed the celestial spheres.

٥٥. صلَّى عليكَ إلهُ الناسِ ما طلعتْ
شمسٌ وما قام بالأفلاكِ حاديها

56. This poem of mine, you are its goal
The sincerity in its composition, in Allah's name I gift it.

٥٦. هذِي إليكَ قصِيدِي أنتَ غايتُها
في نَظمِها الصِّدقُ باسمِ اللهِ أُهديها

57. So accept, my ransom is your soul, you are its leader
To salvation, by Allah's command, its Creator.

٥٧. فاقبَلْ فديتُكَ نفسي أنتَ قائدُها
إلى النَّجاةِ بأمرِ اللهِ باريها