
Corruption appeared, yet they had no deterrent

عودوا الى الرحمن

1. Corruption appeared, yet they had no deterrent
Except the plague by your Lord's command reaping

١. ظهرَ الفسادُ فما لهم مِن رادعٍ
إلا الوباءُ بأمرِ ربِّكَ يحصدُ

2. Oh woe to them, if they don't answer their Lord
And for every rebel in the wilderness, a scene

٢. يا ويْلَهُم إنْ لم يُجِيبوا ربَّهم
ولكلِّ باغٍ في البريَّةِ مشهدُ

3. They strayed from the path and praised in the name of passion
And the matter after gathering scatters

٣. ضَلُّوا السَّبيلَ وسبَّحوا باسمِ الهوَى
والأمرُ بعدَ تجمُّعٍ يتبدَّدُ

4. They thought that Allah your Lord was unaware
So the plague struck them as it was regimented

٤. ظنُّوا بأنَّ اللهَ ربَّكَ غافلٌ
فرماهُمُ الطَّاعونُ فهْو مجنَّدُ

5. Those mosques were closed without them
It didn't weep their separation, and your Lord, the mosque

٥. تلك المساجدُ غُلِّقتْ مِن دونِهم
لم يَبكِ فُرقتَهم وربِّكَ، مسجِدُ

6. The God was angry with them so he struck them
And the matter truly after that was most distressing

٦. غضِبَ الإلهُ عليهمُ فرماهُمُ
والأمرُ حقًّا بعد ذلك أنكَدُ

7. They came in disgrace that has no discoverer
Except the straight path, the most glorious

٧. باؤوا بخِزيٍ ما له مِن كاشفٍ
إلا الصِّـراطُ المستقيمُ الأمجدُ

8. They left the path and they have no guide without it
To the Merciful, afterwards they will be guided

٨. تركوا الصِّـراطَ وما لهم مِن دونِهِ
هادٍ إلى الرَّحمنِ بعدُ فيهتدوا

9. Oppression is their tradition and the tradition was evil
And plotting is their bedding and the bedding was miserable

٩. الظُّلمُ سُنَّتُهم وساءتْ سُنَّةً
والمكرُ مرقَدُهم وساءَ المرقَدُ

10. Or how can a cloud be uncovered from a nation
In which its leaders are wicked and distressed

١٠. أمْ كيف تُكشَفُ غُمَّةٌ عن أمَّةٍ
يحدو بِسادتِها لئامٌ نُكَّدُ

11. Return to the Merciful or be patient
If you have patience for Him and show resilience

١١. عُودوا إلى الرَّحمنِ أو فتصبَّروا
إنْ يُجدِكُمْ صبرٌ له وتجلَّدوا

12. You are nothing but germs that drifted
And alike took them, so be prepared

١٢. ما أنتُمُ إلا جراثيمٌ هوَتْ
فتلقَّفَتْها مِثلُها، فتزَوَّدوا

13. The curses of your Lord hovered around them
How can there be salvation while His abhorrence lies in ambush

١٣. لعَناتُ ربِّكَ حلَّقتْ مِن حولِهم
كيف النَّجاةُ ومقْتُه يترصَّدُ

14. So, my God curse every corrupting rebel
Who has none but your enmity as adversary

١٤. فالعَنْ إلهي كلَّ باغٍ مُفسدٍ
ما إنْ له إلا عِداؤكَ محتِدُ

15. Do not guide any wicked of them after today
And reap them, evil is the harvest

١٥. لا تَهدِ بعد اليومِ منهم فاسقًا
واحصدهُمُ حصدًا وبئسَ المحصدُ
