
In Mecca, there is a light that has spread and radiance

بمكة نور قد سرى

1. In Mecca, there is a light that has spread and radiance
That has descended with good tidings, so excellent is the banner

١. بِمكَّةَ نُورٌ قد سَرَى وضِياءُ
تَنَزَّلَ بالبُشرى فنِعمَ اللِّواءُ

2. It has spread with the Book of God, disseminating its guidance
So for the earth through it there is mercy and healing

٢. سَرَى بكتابِ اللهِ ينشُـرُ هَدْيَه
فلِلأرضِ منه رحمةٌ وشِفاءُ

3. The Imam of guidance, the best of creation, none
In the ages has matched him among all peoples

٣. إمامُ الهُدَى خيرُ البريّة ما لَه
على الدَّهرِ بين العالمينَ كفاءُ

4. The intercessor of mankind, if each complains of their sins
And the prophets do not come near to his worth

٤. شفيعُ الورى إن ضجَّ كلٌّ بذَنْبِه
ولم تَقتربْ مِن قَدْرِه الأنبياءُ

5. Do you not see how the palace of Chosroes cracked
Its pillars collapsed though they were firm

٥. ألستَ ترى إيوانَ كسرى تصدَّعتْ
دعائمُه فارفَضَّ وهْو قَواءُ

6. And the meteor was cast at the jinn striking them down
Wandering lost, crying out to it in hardships

٦. وأُثْبِتَ في الجنِّ الشهابُ فردَّهم
حيارَى، لهم عند الخُطوبِ نداءُ

7. And the world shone in joy and elation
Its earth and sky submitting to it

٧. وأشرقتِ الدُّنيا سرورًا وفرحةً
تسامَتْ إليها أرضُها والسَّماءُ

8. Answering the call of truth from every direction
And chanting the name of God - excellent is that invocation

٨. تلبِّي نِداءَ الحقِّ مِن كلِّ وجهةٍ
وتَهتفُ باسمِ اللهِ؛ نِعْمَ الدُّعاءُ

9. To the seal of prophets they listen for guidance
Enraptured by fervor and hope

٩. إلى خاتَمِ النُّبَّاءِ تُنْصِتُ للهُدَى
وقد غَمرتْها نشوةٌ ورجاءُ

10. He recites verses from God which called
To the best consequence while hearts are thirsty

١٠. يرتِّلُ آياتٍ مِن اللهِ قد دَعَتْ
إلى خيرِ عُقبى والقلوبُ ظِماءُ

11. So take it by the grace of God, the best guidance
Even if heedlessness and blindness turn them away

١١. فَخُذْها بفضلِ اللهِ خيرَ هدايةٍ
وإنْ صَرَفَتْهم غَفلةٌ وعَماءُ

12. He came to us by God's favor to decide between us
Thus before justice all are equal

١٢. أتانا بفضلِ اللهِ يَفْصِلُ بَينَنا
فكلٌّ أمامَ الفصلِ فيه سواءُ

13. You called and do not fear the hatred of any hater
Truth among seekers of it has brilliance

١٣. دعوتَ فما تخشى عداوةَ مُبْغِضٍ
ولِلْحقِّ عند الطالبين بهاءُ

14. Trustworthy and honest, no blemish taints him
Truthfulness among listeners has loftiness

١٤. صدوقٌ أمينٌ لم تَشُبه ثمامةٌ
ولِلصِّدقِ بين السامعينَ علاءُ

15. You straighten souls through consultation out of piety
Of vile words which have no shame

١٥. تُقَوِّمُ بالشورى النفوسَ تحسُّبًا
لقولِ بغيضٍ ما لديه حياءُ

16. And you bring tranquility to the hearts of believers with kindness
And softness by which hearts have clarity between them

١٦. وتجلو نفوسَ المؤمنينَ برحمةٍ
ولِينٍ له بين القلوبِ صفاءُ

17. I wonder at those who denied you and spread
Their grudges while truth is innocent of them

١٧. عجبتُ لقومٍ كذَّبوكَ وشايَعوا
ضَغائنَهم، والحقُّ منها بَراءُ

18. You spread the cloak of patience and forbearance over them
If you wished the sky would rain punishment on them

١٨. بسطتَ رداءَ الصَّبرِ والحِلمِ حولهَم
ولو شئتَ جادت بالعذابِ السَّماءُ

19. And you said to them "I am a warner from God"
and your Lord guides whom He wills to guidance"

١٩. وقلتَ لهم إنِّي من اللهِ منذِرٌ
وربُّك يهدي للهُدَى من يشاءُ

20. Every day you give them a truthful call
While from them come denial and enmity

٢٠. لهم كلَّ يومٍ منكَ دعوةُ صادقٍ
ومنهم جُحودٌ دُونَها وعداءُ

21. Do they desire other than the truth a law on earth?
Beyond truth is nothing but blindness

٢١. أيَرجونَ غيرَ الحقِّ في الأرضِ شِرعةً
فليس وراءَ الحقِّ إلا العَماءُ

22. You called to the religion of peace with wisdom
For which in the hearts of the devout is supplication

٢٢. دعوتَ إلى دِينِ السَّلامِ بحكمةٍ
لها في قلوبِ المُخْبِتِينَ دعاءُ

23. And you united the worlds upon guidance
Through your clear guidance for them is illumination

٢٣. وجمَّعتَ شملَ العالمينَ على الهُدَى
لهم بهُداكَ المُستبِينِ ضياءُ

24. And you struggled with upright speech so whoever turns away
For them in it will be fire and loyalty

٢٤. وجاهدتَ بالقولِ السَّديدِ فمَن يَزِغْ
فنارُ الوغَى فيها لذاكَ وفاءُ

25. And the pebbles glorified the Merciful in your hand
But the hearts of the heedless are just air

٢٥. وسبَّحَ للرَّحمنِ في يَدِكَ الحصى
ولكنْ قلوبُ الغافلينَ هواءُ

26. If they deny, then rancor blinds their hearts
There is no remedy for the hatred of haters

٢٦. فإنْ يجحَدوا فالضِّغنُ أعمَى قلوبَهم
وليس لِحِقدِ الحاقدينَ دواءُ

27. Do they distribute favor? Glory to our Lord
Do they have any refusal before decree?

٢٧. أهُمْ يَقْسِمونَ الفضلَ سُبحانَ ربِّنا
وهل لهُمُ عند القضاءِ إباءُ

28. Their devil deluded them so debased them
Miserable is their effort and the reward

٢٨. لقد غرَّهم شيطانُهم فأذلَّهم
فساءَ لهم سعيٌ وساءَ الجزاءُ

29. Your Lord is forgiving to whoever repents and is guided
And only wretchedness drives away the transgressors

٢٩. وربُّكَ غفَّارٌ لمن تابَ واهتدَى
وما يُقْنِطُ الباغينَ إلا الشَّقاءُ

30. Whoever holds fast to God, He will guide their way
And there is no path except this for deliverance

٣٠. ومن يعتصمْ باللهِ يُهْدَ سبيلَه
وليس سوى هذا السَّبيلِ نَجاءُ

31. You called to the Merciful not seeking anything
Enamored with it while the deprived are partners

٣١. دعوتَ إلى الرَّحمنِ لستَ بطالبٍ
بها مَغرمًا والغارمونَ شكَاءُ

32. So inform them that the command is up to God
He will judge between us as He wills

٣٢. فَنَبِّئْهُمُ أنَّ الأمورَ مردُّها
إلى اللهِ يَقضي بيننا ما يشاءُ

33. And say to those with grudges "Die in your rage"
For the scheming of schemers has no permanence

٣٣. وقُلْ لِذَوي الأضغانِ مُوتوا بغيظِكم
فليس لِمَكْرِ الماكرينَ بقاءُ

34. Know that God's promise is true, and the wretched
Are ever heedless of the truth

٣٤. ألا إنَّ وعدَ اللهِ حقٌّ وإنما
عنِ الحقِّ دومًا يغفلُ الأشقياءُ

35. You restrained yourself from the world though you could have had it
And all belongings are touched by extinction

٣٥. عَفَفتَ عنِ الدُّنيا ولو شئتَ نِلتَها
وكلُّ متاعٍ يعتريه الفناءُ

36. Glory has come to you so it aspires
To give you supremacy unmatched by any

٣٦. تناهَى إليكَ المجدُ فهْو مؤمِّلٌ
لديكَ علاءً لم يَطُلْه علاءُ

37. You repay bad deeds with good and are conscious
With forbearance the whims of cowards in its field

٣٧. تقابِلُ بالحُسْنَى المسيءَ وتتَّقي
بحِلمٍ هَوَى في ساحِهِ الجُبناءُ

38. And you get angry for the Merciful, not for any need
Of yourself, so let the witnesses speak of it

٣٨. وتغضَبُ للرَّحمنِ ليس لحاجةٍ
بنَفسكَ فليَنطِقْ بها الشُّهداءُ

39. So what can poetry say after the testimony
Of the Lord of the Throne has said enough?

٣٩. فماذا يقولُ الشِّعرُ مِن بعدِ أنْ تلا
شهادةَ ربِّ العرشِ وهْي كفاءُ

40. You rose above their praise and flattery
And for you sufficed from the Lord of servants - praise

٤٠. سموتَ بها عن مَدحِهم وثنائهم
وحسْبُكَ مِن ربِّ العبادِ الثَّناءُ

41. So God prayed over you beyond His heavens
And gave you that which satisfies you however you wish

٤١. فصلَّى عليكَ اللهُ فوق سمائه
وآتاكَ ما يرضيكَ كيف تشاءُ