
I called You, my Lord, so answer the hopeful

دعوتك ربي فاستجب

1. I called You, my Lord, so answer the hopeful
Who came to You with a heart constantly sorrowful and asking

١. دعوتُكَ ربِّي فاستَجِبْ لمؤمِّلٍ
أتاكَ بِقَلبٍ دائمِ السُّؤْلِ مُحزَنِ

2. I asked You for forgiveness, pardon and mercy
And for light when the limbs yield and obey

٢. سألتُكَ غفرانًا وعفوًا ورحمةً
ونُورًا متَى يَدْعُ الجوارحَ تُذْعِنِ

3. Whoever is steadfast for God will attain His grace
And the Lord of mankind will help him everywhere

٣. ومَن يَستقِمْ للهِ يَظفَرْ بِفَضلِهِ
ويَنصُـرْهُ ربُّ النَّاسِ في كلِّ موطنِ

4. So hasten to the Merciful, regretful and repenting
For in sins there is much pain and declaring

٤. فسارِعْ إلى الرَّحمنِ ندمانَ تائبًا
فكم في الرَّزايا مِن مُـسِرٍّ ومُعلِنِ

5. The Lord of mankind will raise every fallen one
So every believer will enjoy His benevolence

٥. سيرفَعُ ربُّ النَّاسِ كلَّ مُلِمَّةٍ
فيَنْعَمُ في إحسانِه كلُّ مُؤْمنِ

6. He called persistently so the heart inclined, accept his supplication
And steady him with faith, happily enriched

٦. دعا فألَحَّ القلبُ فاقبَلْ دُعاءَه
وثبِّتْه بالإيمانِ يَهْنَأْ ويَغتَنِ

7. And every hope besides You has passed
With the severing of the cord of connection from it, announcing

٧. وكلُّ رجاءٍ مِن سِواكَ فقَدْ مضَـى
بِمَقطوعِ حبلِ الوصلِ مِنهُ ومُؤْذِنِ

8. So to You I respond, Lord of mankind, from every direction
And pardon when sleep betrays our eyes

٨. فلبَّيكَ ربَّ النَّاسِ مِن كلِّ وِجْهةٍ
وعفوًا إذا ما خانَنَا نومُ أعيُنِ

9. You are the hoped for, the true refuge, and the One
To whom every matter is returned from all that is paired

٩. هو المرتجَى والملجَأُ الحقُّ والذي
إليه يُرَدُّ الأمرُ من كلِّ مقْرنِ

10. You were generous in pardoning tremendous sins
That neither the heart can count nor the tongues express

١٠. وجادَ بعفوٍ عن ذنوبٍ عظيمةٍ
فلا القلبُ يُحصيها ولا بَوْحُ ألسُنِ

11. Whoever submits his matters to procrastination one day
The miseries of misery will befall him and he will grieve

١١. ومن يُسْلِمِ التَّسويفَ يومًا أمورَهُ
تَنَلْهُ تَباريحُ الشَّقاءِ ويَحزَنِ

12. O Grantor of benevolence to every hopeful
And they in the darkness are supplicating and believing

١٢. فيا واهبَ الإحسانِ كلَّ مؤمِّلٍ
وهُمْ بينَ داعٍ في الدُّجَى ومُؤَمِّنِ

13. We called and He gave each soul its request
And they are not equal, from evildoer and benevolent

١٣. دعَونا فأعطَى كلَّ نفسٍ سؤالَها
وليسوا سواءً مِن مُسِـيءٍ ومُحسِنِ

14. Neither is pardon cut off, nor sin too heavy
Nor the soul refuses us, nor the heart is tired

١٤. فلا العفوُ مقطوعٌ ولا الذَّنبُ مُقْـصِرٌ
ولا النَّفسُ تَنهانا ولا القلبُ مُعْتَنِ

15. O You who grant benevolence to every hopeful
While they amid the gloom are supplicating and believing

١٥. وكلُّ بعيدٍ سوف يأتي ويَنقَـضي
فلا عَجِلٌ مِن بعدُ راضٍ ولا الوَنِي

16. We called and He gave to each soul its request
They are not equal, the evildoer and the benevolent

١٦. وليس يفيقُ المرءُ مِن عثَراتِهِ
إذا جال بالآثامِ في كلِّ مَأمَنِ