1. She said: To whom do you send your poems
And for whom do you make their letters into rivers?
١. قالتْ : إلى من تُرسلُ الأشعار
ولمن تسوق حروفها أنْهارا ؟
2. And for whom do you offer their passions and yearnings
And present from their words bouquets of flowers?
٢. ولمن تقدِّمُ شِيحِها وخُزَامه
وتزفُّ من كلماتها الأزهارا ؟
3. And for whom do you embroider their dress, and until when
Will you continue conversing with their night and day?
٣. ولمن تطرِّزُ ثوبها وإلى متى
تبقى تُسامر ليلها ونهارا ؟
4. I said: I see you have sent your poetry as a scream
And made from it the sharp cutting sword
٤. قالت:أراكَ بعثتَ شعركَ صرخةً
وصنعتَ منهُ الصَّارِمَ البتَّارا
5. You made it run in the sand as a plough, but does
The sand give the farmers fruits?
٥. أجريتهُ في الرملِ محراثا وهل
تعطي الرِّمالُ الزارعينَ ثمارا ؟!
6. Tell me, by your God, whom do you address? For I
See the discourse of the heedless is loss
٦. قل لي بربكَ من تخاطبُ ، إنَّني
لأرى خِطابَ الغافلينَ خَسارا
7. So I answered my questioner with the reply of a poet
Who knew the way to hearts, so he walked
٧. فأجبتُ سَائِلَتي إجابة شاعرٍ
عرفَ الطَّريقَ إلى القلوبِ فسارا
8. For poetry there are people who love its letters
And see in it the meadow and the trees
٨. للشعر قومٌ يعشقونَ حروفهُ
ويرونَ فيهِ الرَّوضَ و الأشجارا
9. And see in it the stars of a night that
The evening adorned, its lights glittered
٩. ويرونَ فيهِ نجومَ ليلٍ كلَّم
جنَّ المساءُ تَاَلَّقتْ أنوارا
10. I am a sailor, I have in the ocean a ship
Made of my letters, that does not fear sailing
١٠. أنا مُبحرٌ لي في المُحيط سفينةٌ
من أحْرُفي لا ترْهَبُ الإبحارا
11. I address my nation, its men
And its women, its elders and its children
١١. إنِّي أُخاطِبُ أُمَّتي ورجاله
ونِسَاءَها وكِبَارها وصِغَارا