
A smitten heart melted by yearning's flame

فؤاد صب أذابه الكمد

1. A smitten heart melted by yearning's flame,
An eyelid worn by the tears of night.

١. فُؤادُ صَبٍّ أَذابَهُ الكَمَدُ
وَجَفْنُ عَيْنٍ أَودى بِهِ السَّهَدُ

2. Oh my sighs, how much do I complain,
Yet none empathize with my love's plight,

٢. يا زَفَراتي كَمْ أَشْتَكيكِ فَمَا
يُنْصِفُني مِنْكِ في الهَوى أَحَدُ

3. All things in life have a limit ordained,
Except my passion which knows no bound.

٣. لِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ حَدٌّ يَبينُ بِهِ
وَما لِوَجْدي حَدٌّ وَلا أَمَدُ

4. Who suffers as I, for him death's domain
Is comfort found, by God what I have found!

٤. مَنْ كَانَ مِثْلي فَالْمَوْتُ راحَتُهُ
وَالمَوْتُ وَاللَهِ دُونَ ما أَجِدُ