
He tightened his belt around the saddlebags

شد زناره على هيف الخصر

1. He tightened his belt around the saddlebags
And captured hearts with his belt

١. شدَّ زُنَّارَهُ عَلى هَيَفِ الخَصْ
رِ وشَدَّ القلوبَ بِالزنَّارِ

2. And turned his cheeks above the excuse
I am shameless in my love for him

٢. وأَدارَ الأَصْداغَ فوقَ عِذارٍ
أَنا في حُبِّهِ خليعُ العِذارِ

3. And appeared with a innocence that shames the full moon
And a face that outshines the sun

٣. وَتَبَدَّى بِطُرَّةٍ تُخْجِلُ البَدْ
رَ ووجْهٍ يفوقُ شَمْسَ النَّهارِ

4. So I looked upon his face and was transported
By it among the gardens of flowers

٤. فَتَأَمَّلْتُ وَجهَهُ فَتَنَزَّهَ
تُ بِهِ في حَدائِقِ الأَزْهارِ

5. And I raced toward the eternal garden when
My resolve to enter the fire grew firm

٥. وَتَعجَّلْتُ جَنَّةَ الخُلْدِ لَمَّا
صَحَّ عَزْمي عَلى دُخُولِ النَّارِ