
A misery of mine is that I'm plagued by a Shadan,

ومن شقوتي أني بليت بشادن

1. A misery of mine is that I'm plagued by a Shadan,
Who wanders at the rise of night with his glow.

١. وَمِنْ شَقْوتي أَنِّي بُليتُ بِشَادِنٍ
يَتيهُ عَلى بَدْرِ الدُّجى بِضِيائِهِ

2. When the full moon sees him on the night it's complete,
The moon is bewildered midst its sky's spread.

٢. إِذا ما رآه البَدْرُ ليلةَ تِمِّهِ
تَحَيَّرَ منهُ البَدْرُ وَسْطَ سَمائِهِ

3. He has the glory of one exalted over me, and his lostness,
While I have the humiliation of one dismissed, when I meet him.

٣. لَهُ عِزَّةُ الوالي عَلَيَّ وَتِيهُهُ
وَلي ذِلَّةُ المَعْزولِ عِنْدَ لِقائِهِ