
Say to the one with inflamed eyelids

قل لمريض الحدق

1. Say to the one with inflamed eyelids
And pupils constricted like rings

١. قُلْ لِمَرِيضِ الحَدَقِ
ذِي طُرَرٍ كَالحَلَقِ

2. Is there in my heart any sorrow left
Or remains anything in my body

٢. هَلْ في فُؤادِي لِلضَّنى
أَوْ جَسَدِي شَيءٌ بَقِي

3. For my eyelids
Are laden with insomnia

٣. فَمُقلَتي أَجْفانُها
مَكْحُولَةٌ بِالأَرَقِ