
O you who avoided my tear when it scattered,

يا من تجنب دمعي منه حين وشى

1. O you who avoided my tear when it scattered,
Your love's authority did not turn to me gently.

١. يا مَنْ تَجَنَّبَ دَمْعي مِنْهُ حِينَ وَشَى
سُلْطانُ حُبِّكَ لمْ يَقْبَلْ عَلَيَّ رُشا

2. And how much did my complaining of love for a moon
Firmly enthroned in people's hearts however he wishes, complain.

٢. وكَمْ شَكاني اشْتِكائي من هوى قَمَرٍ
مُحَكَّمٍ في قُلوبِ الخَلْقِ كَيفَ يَشا

3. O you who unsheathed from my blood the swords of his looks,
And whom I worshipped, my passion for him when it awoke.

٣. يا خَاضِباً مِنْ دَمِي أَسْيافَ ناظِرِهِ
وَمَنْ عَبَدْتُ غَرامِي فِيه حينَ نَشا

4. It would walk to you if you made it walk, it would walk.
And here is my love, the wounds of its limbs,

٤. هذا فُؤاديَ طَوْعاً لَوْ هَمَمْتَ بِهِ
يَمْشي إِلَيْكَ إِذا اسْتَمْشَيْتَهُ لَمَشى

5. Its saliva increases its thirst for its roses.

٥. وَهذهِ مُهْجَتي جَرْحى جَوَارِحُها
يَزِيدُها رِيُّها مِنْ وِرْدِها عَطَشا