
I ask you by the Prophet Muhammad

إني سألتك بالنبي محمد

1. I ask you by the Prophet Muhammad
And his successor, the rightly guiding, trusted guide

١. إِنِّي سأَلتُكَ بالنَّبِيِّ محمد
ووصيِّهِ الهادِي الأَمينِ المهتدي

2. And by the love of the one whose love has captivated your heart
With youthfulness mixed with composure

٢. وبِحُبِّ منْ أَغرى فؤادَكَ حُبُّهُ
بِصَبابةٍ مَمزوجَةٍ بتجلُّدِ

3. And by the magic of your speech, whose authority
Is a rule that tyrannizes over hearts and transgresses

٣. وَبِسحرِ منطِقكَ الَّذي سُلْطانُهُ
حُكمٌ يَجورُ على القلوبِ ويَعْتَدي

4. Why not abandon with your mouth, my master
A master who says to his slave, "My master"

٤. هَلا هَجَرتَ بفيكَ قولكَ سَيِّدي
مَوْلىً يَقولُ لِعبدِهِ يا سَيِّدي