
She complains of our estrangement, yet on her neck

جعلت تشتكي الفراق وفي

1. She complains of our estrangement, yet on her neck
Is a necklace of scattered pearls.

١. جَعَلَتْ تشتكي الفِراقَ وفي أَجْ
فانِها عِقْدُ لؤلؤٍ منثورِ

2. And on her cheek the copious kohl mixed with tears
Is like traces of inscribed lines.

٢. وكأَنَّ الكُحلَ السَّحيقَ مَعَ الدَّمْ
عِ عَلَى خَدِّها بَقايا سُطُورِ