1. It's for my dignity you've turned away, not my disgrace,
You didn't abandon me until you cared for my affairs.
١. لِكَرامَتي أَعْرَضْتَ لا لِهَواني
لَمْ تَجْفُني حَتَّى اهْتَمَمْتَ بِشَاني
2. The root of your anger is love,
You leave the lover in the guise of anger.
٢. أَصْلُ التَّغَضُّبِ في هَواكَ مَحَبَّةٌ
تَدَعُ المُحِبَّ بِصُورَةِ الغَضْبانِ
3. So occupy your heart with me, for I don't care
Whether you've filled it with love for me or abandonment.
٣. فَاشْغَلْ فُؤادَكَ بِي فَلَسْتُ مُبَالِياً
أَشَغَلْتَهُ بِهَوايَ أَمْ هِجْراني