
When the caravan of longing wandered in the abode of my agony,

إذا حار ركب الشوق في ربع لوعتي

1. When the caravan of longing wandered in the abode of my agony,
I made the expanse of my sighs a guide for it.

١. إِذا حَارَ رَكْبُ الشَّوْقِ في رَبْعِ لَوْعَتي
جَعَلْتُ لَهُ بَادِي الأَنِينِ دَلِيلا

2. And if the night of reproach became as bright as the full moon with acceptance,
You compensated me for its abundance with little.

٢. وَإِنْ عَادَ لَيْلُ العَتْبِ أَقْمَرَ بِالرِّضَا
وَعَوَّضْتَني مِنْهُ الكَثِيرَ قَليلا

3. So why does the cavalry of betrayal in the arena of loyalty
Pave the way of tribulation for me?

٣. فَما بالُ خَيْلِ الغَدْرِ في حَلْبَةِ الوَفَا
تُطرِّقُ لِلبَلوى إِلَيَّ سِبِيلا

4. I will reproach the days for you, perhaps they
Will convey to me acceptance of reproach in you.

٤. سَأَسْتَعْتِبُ الأَيَّامَ فِيكَ لَعَلَّها
تُبَلِّغُني بِالعَتْبِ فِيكَ قَبُولا