
She was veiled by gloom above the radiance, so she unveiled

تقنعت بالدجى فوق الضحى فجلت

1. She was veiled by gloom above the radiance, so she unveiled
In the ivory of her cheek, a flaw from kohl

١. تَقَنَّعَتْ بالدّجى فَوْق الضحى فَجَلَتْ
في عاجِ عارِضِها لاماً من السَّبَجِ

2. As if she had pawned in my sight an illness
With the gaze of her sick eyelids from the antimony

٢. كأنَّها اسْتَرْهَنَتْ في ناظِري سَقَماً
بِلَحْظِ أَجْفانِها المَرْضى من الغُنُجِ

3. If she were in darkness, it would be illuminated by her
For her radiance suffices instead of lamps

٣. لَوْ أَنَّها في ظَلامٍ لاستَنارَ بِها
لأَنَّ إِشراقَها يُغني عن السُّرُجِ

4. As if she was clothed in the hue of her smile
A robe embroidered with the blood of passion

٤. كأنَّما أُلبِسَت مِن لَونِ مَبسِمِها
غِلالةً طرزتها من دم المُهَجِ