
I ransom with my life one unnamed,

أنا أفدي مكتومة لا تسمى

1. I ransom with my life one unnamed,
For whom my heart is seized with love and care.

١. أَنا أَفْدي مَكْتُومَةً لا تُسَمَّى
هَامَ قَلْبي بِها هُياماً وَهَمَّا

2. The sweetest creature, harshest ever wrought,
For her in passion lost, blind and deaf I sought.

٢. حُلْوَةُ الخَلْقِ مُرَّةُ الخُلْقِ قَدْ أَصْ
بَحْتُ مِنْها فِي الحُبِّ أَعْمى أَصَمَّا

3. She came in fullest grace, and we forgot
The beauty of the moon at perfect height.

٣. أَقْبَلَتْ في تَمامِها فَنَسِينا
حُسْنَ بَدْرِ التَّمامِ سَاعَةَ تَمَّا

4. She walks, her dangling bracelets hardly bear
The pace, her breast thrust forward in her gait.

٤. تَتَمَشَّى وَثِقْلُ رَانِفَتَيْها
قَدَّمَتْ صَدْرَها مِنَ المَشْيِ قُدْما

5. Then scolding, blaming, sulking hour on hour,
Her mouth that pierced me through, till finally

٥. ثُمَّ طَالَ العِتابُ والعَضُّ وَالقَر
صُ ومَصُّ اللسانِ مِنها فَلَمَّا

6. She held me from a kiss, and then she said
Fie on you! Never did I think you base.

٦. مَنَعَتنِي مِنْ تِكَّةٍ ثُمَّ قَالتْ
تِهْ عَلَى الفَدْمِ مَا ظَنَنْتُكَ فَدْمَا

7. I said my bounty is for her to take,
Else sheeting off her head's an easy task.

٧. قُلْتُ جُودي بِحَلِّها لِي وَإِلا
قَطْعُها هَيِّنٌ كَما أَشْرَبُ الْمَا

8. So she's a standstill between grace and break,
The choice is yours, choose this way or that.

٨. فَهْيَ وَقْفٌ مَا بَيْنَ حَلٍّ وَقَطْعٍ
وَإِلَيْكِ الخِيارُ إِمَّا وَإِمَّا

9. She said show patience. I said, love allows
No patience. I cannot show patience now.

٩. قَالَتِ احْلُمْ فَقُلْتُ لِلْحِلْمِ وَقْتٌ
أَنا لا أَسْتَطيعُ في الحُبِّ حِلْما

10. I said some fawn must bleed, then will suffice
A taste of blood from the bled fawn. And so

١٠. قُلْتُ لا بُدَّ أَنْ يُدَمَّى غَزَالٌ
ثُمَّ يُكْفى مِنَ الغَزالِ المُدَمَّى

11. I clasped her with my soul and heart, not flesh -
Whence can I flesh with which to clasp her, pray!

١١. فَتَلَقَّيْتُها بِرُوحي وَقَلْبِي
لا بِجِسْمِي مِنْ أَيْنَ أَمْلِكُ جِسْما